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At The End Of My Westy Tether


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Conehead, I was going to suggest you run the engine at 3000 rpm to produce the noise and get someone to depress the clutch to see if the noise stops. This would suggest a loose flywheel and/or clutch.

Have you checked the clutch and flywheel for tightness?

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Hi Conehead.

I think that you have got to the stage where you really need to STOP and take stock of what you are doing, what you are trying to achieve, what you want out of the car.

Then you need to question weather or not you have the skills to achieve the above.

Then go from there.

Please do not take this the wrong way but how many of the issues have you built into the car with the work that you have done?

Again, without trying to belittle you (and I would never do that), by reading your posts it is abundantly clear you do not have the correct skills relating to engine diagnoses, strip down and assembly. Many folk have offered good advice with a member (Jeff Oakley, I think) suggesting to actually visit you and assist. That is an extremely generous offer, one you should think about carefully. It is a pity I do not live closer to you as I would have made the same offer

How can I not take it the wrong way. Thanks to Jeff I would have taken him up but as I said the engine was not running. I am happy to take advice but prefer not to take others time and travel

You mention that the flywheel you had fitted looked like it had had a repaired tooth.

If that was the case why did you not pick up on this at the time of fitting?

I had but I had to fit it as stated in other posts as I could not find a correct thrustbearing to replace, I have one now which is the reason it was replaced.

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You got a new starter to replace one that needed a modification to fit it.

Has the modification caused/contributed the failure of the original, if a new one is fitted without corrective action the new one will fail too.

Rather than focus on fixing the issue focus on the cause of the issue and fix that as well as fit the new bits.

No previous posts have stated that the started was pushed back on spacers to align with the lightened fly wheel, which has been replaced with standard so corrective action taken.

You have a crank oil seal leak, who fitted the seal?

Was it fitted properly?

I fitted it and on inspection there is no oil leak. Is leaking from a broken cork sump gasket at the back.

You are talking about getting shot of the car but your posts on here have really not helped the saleability or resale value.

Sort through the issues methodically, get help with what you do not fully understand.

You'll spend less and the car will be reliable.

Please don't take the above the wrong way, it's ment to help honestly.

Thanks Honestly not a lot of help with regards to the resale value it has zero to me just frustration I will probably just leave it on ebay and hope for the best. The wife is no pregnant and I need to be spending my time and money on productive things.

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Conehead, wotcha mate - HI-Tech Motorsport in Brum did my cross-flow for previous owner. I'd reccomend them if you need a specialist. HTH, James

Thanks James but still the money is an issue at the moment

Conehead, I was going to suggest you run the engine at 3000 rpm to produce the noise and get someone to depress the clutch to see if the noise stops. This would suggest a loose flywheel and/or clutch.

Have you checked the clutch and flywheel for tightness?

Thanks Norman for a constructive comment, yes I have checked it and no change, but the noise was far louder under load than standing revs.

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Your welcome CH - take Jeff up on his kind offer and get it sorted - he wouldnt offer if he didnt want to help.... congrat's on the baby as well - hope it all goes well..... All the members on here just want to see you get mobile, within budget and be happy with the car mate


Will you be delivering the baby yourself or leaving it to a specialist? :p

(Intended purely as humour to make you smile but it might draw a parallel on engine building at home compared to a westy hospital like Northants MotorSport)

All the very best,


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James, no joke, I delivered our first. It was in hospital in a ward where she was the only person. She had a team of nurses and a doctor solely for her and the baby.

Reason? She was on the list to help develop the "Cardiff pump" and the first ultra sound. The sister was amazing. she did the finger test at 12 o'clock and whispered to me that the baby would be born at 6pm. As I delivered him and he was still attached to the cord I looked up at the clock. 18:03.


The Cardiff pump is the tube that predicts a contraction. The ultra sound machine was huge and filled a room. No screens only an huge plotter drawing pictures of the baby. 22 months later an ultra sound machine was wheeled in on a small trolley to check on our second, a daughter.

Now back to engines.

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Norm, surprised you didnt have an accident with all that equipment mate.......... yep back to engines.... I really Hope Cone Head can get this sorted out....

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I doubt it. He keeps saying we're having a go at him and takes our suggestions that it's not just a case of undoing and doing up bolts and screws as "non-constructive".

I think the suggestion he gets a qualified person to sort it out is the most constructive advice he's had.

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Will you be delivering the baby yourself or leaving it to a specialist? :p

- well I pay my UK taxes so will defo be using a specialist
I think the suggestion he gets a qualified person to sort it out is the most constructive advice he's had.

Great thanks Norman know any free ones!

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YES. Many members have offered advice. You post and before we can get our heads round the latest problem you have the lump out and stripped.

Slow down and give us a chance to diagnose the problem. It's not easy doing it over the net. Hell, it's hard enough when you're standing over the engine.

So the engine is out. The leak turned out to be the common fault of a snagged sump gasket. There is a knack to fitting x-flow sums so as not to disturb the rear (or front) corks. Now we have a stripped engine and no sign of the problem. It'll have to go back in now and we'll try and work out what the problem is.

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My two pennyworth, and like most posts on here is given in good faith and is not intended as a dig or criticism, shut the garage door and just leave the car alone for a couple of weeks, take a break, have a bit of time with the wife and don't even think cars. Then with a clear head decide what you want to do, get rid and take a big hit, repair the engine with some help and advice (freely given on here) or pick up another engine and just fit it (without tinkering). In your position I would take all winter to get it fixed and not rush getting it done.

Hope you get it sorted, you sure do seem to have had more than your fair share of problems, no consulation to you but I have run x flows for 20 years and had only minor problems in all that time (alternator/starter etc.) despite 7 years of competition. Both cars had a professional engine rebuild and were never touched again, when I sold my first car it was 11 years after the rebuild and hadn't even had the tappets reset, so they can be a reliable and robust engine.

Hope you hang on in there and get it back on the road in the fullness of time, just don't try to have it back by the weekend.

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If anything I put in my last post upset you Conehead I sincearly apologise.

No offence was implied or intended.

Good luck with the car, I sincearly hope you get is sorted.


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this is better than the bourne identity

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i had a bottom end rattle from a xflow that turned out to be manifold vibrating where it touched a chassis tube..

slight engine mount mod and rattle was gone.

recheck tubes for any fouling when engine flexes itself.

good luck.

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