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At The End Of My Westy Tether


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Thought I'd have a drive this morning to the local lake for a sail. Oh but would the car start.... Oh no! Starter felt like it had lost a coil, so managed to get a replacement this morning, it still won't turn the engine even though it runs fine. Stater then jammed in the ring gear so guess that's where the issue is.

I have a spare ring and clutch but due to the high level on modification internally to fit an AP racing clutch the thrust bearing won't fit.

I have brought a clutch arm and thrust bearing for a type E but guess what that doesn't fit either.

No going to have to waste another weekend taking out the engine to get the flywheel off and have someone fit a blooming ring. I am pretty sure I will then sell the damn thing and go back to motorbikes.

I will have to take a massive loss but I can't take the dissappointment that this car gives!

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Did your replacement starter have the right number of teeth? If you read the thread about high torque ones, there is a 9 or 10 tooth version it would seem.

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Sorry, just don't understand this:

Starter felt like it had lost a coil, so managed to get a replacement this morning, it still won't turn the engine even though it runs fine.

Starters don't have coils, they have winding's and a solenoid but not a "coil". Are you saying the starter won't turn the engine over? If so what "runs fine"

Sorry to be a bit dim but if I read it correctly you've bought a replacement starter which has now jammed in the flywheel. If that's correct then I would agree that the pinion has the wrong number of teeth. I'd get back to where you bought before your original motor gets sent off for rebuilding and count the teeth.

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No may be I didnt explain myself.

The starter is the original lucas one which previously starter the engine fine. The replacement I have tried is still a identical lucas one. I apologise is I confused windings with a coil! But it is broke.

The other day turning the engine slowly it managed to start so the lump is ok.

didn't know you could sail Wessies , how's it done ? pumping the tyres up ?

Driving my car into the lake and leaving it there is probably the best PLACE FOR IT!

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Easy enough to check the ring gear for damage , if thats what the problem is , but its not usual afaik for it to go without prior symptoms before hand , usually they get to make clattering noises when the pinion is engaged .

at the risk of telling you to suck eggs , the way to clear a jammed starter is the rock the car back and forth in top gear , with the ignition off of coarse .

Its ten to a penny the pinnion gear isn't engaging properly for some reason , but as I said if you take the starter motor out , you can check the ring and pinnion for wear :t-up:

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Easy enough to check the ring gear for damage , if thats what the problem is , but its not usual afaik for it to go without prior symptoms before hand , usually they get to make clattering noises when the pinion is engaged .

at the risk of telling you to suck eggs , the way to clear a jammed starter is the rock the car back and forth in top gear , with the ignition off of coarse .

Cant its jammed so tight that it wont rock out, The only way is to un screw all the bolts. Its particularly ackward as because it has the racing clutch on a massively lightened flywheel the ring gear is located in a different horizontal position meaning that the previous owner spaced the starter outwards to get it to engage. I guess the problem has stemed from this.

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it is a shame your westfield experience has been tainted by this car

I know this helps you not one bit but - the more I get into things and see what experiences people have had around me I think the the way forward (certainly for a first time owner who wants to drive not fix) is to buy a car with fairly standard engine and drive-train configuration - drive them hard and less likely to go wrong and cheaper, easier to fix if you do manage to break it - more options to take it to get fixed etc etc

Ok they may not have the bragging rights of some of the tuned (or should i say highly strung cars out there) but there is a much better chance of the vehicle being kind to you

(all the usual disclaimers on the above before owners of very well put together and highly developed modified cars start flaming) :d

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I agree 100% Cleggy, though I did get flamed for suggesting it to someone last year :oops::blush::suspect: (That particular poster had already said they had no interest in working on the car)

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Posted Today, 01:54 PM

I agree 100% Cleggy, though I did get flamed for suggesting it to someone last year :oops::blush::suspect: (That particular poster had already said they had no interest in working on the car)

Hmmm doesnt really apply here as I have owned the car since last November and driven it 3 or so times on the road. I should have just taken a loan and brought a good car like the one offered when I was first interested.

I always try and do things on the cheap and end up screwing myself over.

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Its taken 1 hour this evening to get the engine ready to be pulled out. At least I have 1 thing to say about the car it has massively improved my hands on mechanical skills.

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Yep, keep at it, You just can't let a car get the better of you.

I've had a bad month or two with a broken engine and 2 alternators. Think I'm on a winning streak now it's going well.

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Its taken 1 hour this evening to get the engine ready to be pulled out. At least I have 1 thing to say about the car it has massively improved my hands on mechanical skills.

thats the way you need to look at it- I had loads of troubles with an engine problem, which probably stemmed from a dodgy sale--- either way, by the end of it I now know how the engine looks on the inside!aswell as the rest of the car too-.

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Can I just back up what people are saying I've lost 2 xflow engines 1 due to oil pump failure and the second garage not doing their job. Which was very frustrating as I only went to them to get the job done quickly (more fool I :cry: ) Now collecting parts and setting up for zetec upgrade and hopefully will be reliable from there BUT I still enjoy working on the car and get a pleasure of it being my own creation. When eventually its back on the road I will be happy as a dog with two tails. Its hard when they don't work but when they do, the feeling is so fantastic it makes it all worthwhile. The biggest downside is the expense.

Its worth remembering that these are individual cars with their own foibles and oddities. I wouldn't think there is a single owner that thinks their car is perfect in every way (hence upgraditus).

My wife/family car is a 1.4 Diesel Fiesta - its reliable, can carry stuff, efficient, cheap to insure, tax and run. Would I want it for my car? No way, give me unpredictable any day. If only I could convince my wife :d

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