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Hi - Trying to set my profile pic

I've tried various pics and also a link to an externally hosted photo - all fail. If I try and upload form my PC I get "failed to set photo". If I try to link from external I get a red bar.

I'm a new member.



It (they) are probably too big, my original avatar photo is 202 x 152 pixels in size and then the forum software cuts it down so try a small version and see if that works ;)

<--- the one displayed on this thread next to this post is 112 x 85 for example


Im having the same problems, even after a resize...

ETA: Ah ha! even after resize it was too big. Sorted! :-D


Sheesh! I'm down to 100x68 and still no! - the tooltip recommends "200px"


PM sent :)


can you send me the solution also please!


I'm in the same boat - please can we publish instructions?

Many thanks!



There isn't any one solution that covers all situations. However, if you email the photo you want to use to me, I will have a go at it for you. See the Contacts page of the web site for email address.


Thanks Cap'n!

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