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Apologies For Any Misunderstanding

Captain Colonial

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Hello all

I have been told indirectly that a post I made earlier this week, and subsequently took down on the same night, regarding trying to get more details on someone who sent me a membership application form in the post with no details at all apart from a name and who had no past history with the club to assist me, and a post which I wrote in a way that was meant to be humorous, might have been misinterpretted by some as sarcasm.

Obviously this was never my intention, and if you read it in that fashion and were offended, then I apologise.

Let me say that although absolutely no one contacted me directly to complain, I took the decision myself to issue this statement to avoid any misunderstandings.


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Read inthe manner it was intended, no worries mate. You are a gent and a scholar.

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Exactly this.

yup and you wear baseball caps with beer tins and straws ;-)

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Anyone who interpreted that post as sarcasm probably lacks some of the qualities required to be a member.

FWIW I thought it was great and showed wit, style and a caring attitude.

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Nothing wrong with that post

Thats the trouble on here these days, there is always some prat who thinks some humour is offensive or racist.

Personally i would not have apologised for that post even if the complaint was direct

Tell them to sod off the oversensitive w****s :angry:

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I thought you were going out of your way to be helpful Scott

no that's not sarcastic if anyone reds it that way :)

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remember the days when there was no such thing as an apology or post dissapearing or threads being locked on here ???

im sure what you said was harmless cap'n as others have stated :)

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It was so offensive I missed it!

Seriously, I'm sure I did read it and moved on.

Takes a big man to apologise in case he made a mistake.

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Anyway Scott,did you ever track the bloke down?

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I thought it was a very reasonable, sensible, helpful and humorous post. IMHO no apology required.

As above - did you track him down?

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Perhaps - tried phoning for three straight days, constant engaged tone, which is odd. I've typed and posted a letter to my prime candidate. Time will tell.

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What is the world coming to :( read it earlier in week and thought it was a detailed, helpful and witty reply why would anyone complain ? or was is a failure to fully understand :( :( so easier to hit the complain button :down: takes a better man to apologise :) so top trumps Mr Memb Sec

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