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New Toy - Hawk Hf3000


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Its a great looking car. Are they as bad @ handling as Top Gear's programme/Stig made them out to be?

No, they go very well, the TG test was, not surprisingly. a load of bollix... ;)

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Its a great looking car. Are they as bad @ handling as Top Gear's programme/Stig made them out to be?


I don't think it's ever going to be a Westfield in the handling department but I think it'll hold its own. Catching the tail when the 345 wide rear tyres let go should be a challenge. I've yet to drive it in anger but the first thought when driving it was it has a very compliant / soft ride which is probably down to the 15" wheels and deep side wall tyres. The next thought was "this thing sounds mental!". The noise it makes when you get the revs up has to be heard to be believed. Absolutely can't wait to get it on a track and explore it's limits. It will be a while though as the front brakes are well...how shall l put this.....s hite!

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It will be a while though as the front brakes are well...how shall l put this.....S HITE!

Wasn't that the problem on TG?

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Wasn't that the problem on TG?

I believe it was but I have read a bit about it on SEC site and it does seem like they picked all of the bad bits of the day to paint a bad picture. Altough the Hawk seems to be made as an accurate replica of the Stratos they are still like Westfields in the way that they are kit cars. The brakes can be upgraded easily as I will be doing and I know it will make the car safer, better and more fun.

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I remember thinking, as I watched it that it was poor workmanship rather than bad design or manufacture.

Always remember that TV and all other forms of broadcasting is about entertainment and why let facts get in the way of a good programme.

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stunning ! absolutly stunning ......................... i would love one

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Passed it's MOT after a little tweaking of the headlights :t-up:

Last one expired March 2008

I must spend some time with the family this weekend, I must spend some time with the family this weekend,I must spend some time with the family this weekend

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Some time. Will an hour be ok? :)

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Some time. Will an hour be ok? :)

OK for me but not so sure about the other arf.

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I remember thinking, as I watched it that it was poor workmanship rather than bad design or manufacture.

Always remember that TV and all other forms of broadcasting is about entertainment and why let facts get in the way of a good programme.

I seem to remember reading a response from the owner of the car at the time - he had told them it wasn't finished and the car hadn't been set up, but from the outside it looked the business, so they took it as it met their timescales for the programme. Had he known they were going to do some sort of critical piece about its handling they wouldn't have been given the car as it simply wasn't ready for that.

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I'm sure I remember him also being warned not to hand over the car in that state; Clarkson has a notoriously low (professional) opinion of kit cars, , submitting anything that's not 110% right to anything with him involved is madness.

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You can just about see from the avatar that i hang arround with one of the lucky few who has on of these and it is an awesome car. it is meant to be a replica, gerry hawk has been producing these for many years and i wouldnt question the build quality. the wheels are the 'authentic' coffin style wheels, as a replica should be (but dont damage them there over 2 grand a set) . There is much written about the tg test on the stratos forum but to say tg treated that car like poo is an understatment. but i dont think it did them any harm in the sales department, indeed there is now another kit version of the stratos so there must be a growing market.

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I suspect anyone with a bit of mechanical nous, or certainly anyone with any kit building, or spanner twirling Experiance would have been able to see past the issues. (Which could have probably hit any kit, and let's face it, there's been many a "main-stream" supercar trailered back to base as well).

Which leaves you with just the most spectacularly beautiful car; I know even the originals had designed in, er interesting handling, but then it suited the purpose. But the look and sound....

...truely jealous of you! :d please don't be shy, lots and lots of piccies please! :d

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