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Countdown (Stats On First Post)

Norman Verona

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If the target has not been reached by 1:30 AM tomorrow, another name will drop off the list :ghostface: ...and then there will be four :o

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With 280 to go and no Norm, I reckon 0130 tomorrow is unrealistic, so it will be down to the last four then I guess

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Just to spice up the final of Big End Brother, I am increasing the prize, paid for out of my own pocket, one final time, even further - to a staggering 2.5 million! :cool:

Who will win?

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Just to spice up the final of Big End Brother, I am increasing the prize, paid for out of my own pocket, one final time, even further - to a staggering 2.5 million! :cool:

Who will win?

Why not put towards runner up prizes

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Very generous of you! But not this time, mon ami - perhaps when we reach two million posts. :)

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I think the prize for most of us will actually be finding out what the prize is :) plus we can all get back to normal

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Thought we has established that I had cut him off with my powers instead of taking down the wscc server

Think guest is on with building me a temple though it may be a pigeon shed

I was never building you a temple. You were going to be homed in Norman's pigeon shed!

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For one moment there, I though you were gona go all Whicker Man on him :o

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