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Countdown (Stats On First Post)

Norman Verona

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We were very slow yesterday up to the evening. Hadn't even past 200 when I last looked.

Lets do a count, back soon.

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not bad but confusing.

I'm either going to run out of words or screen soon.

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On today's episode of Big End Brother, more incorrect choices means two people are no longer in the running for the big 2,000,000 prize, and today...

robo1968 and s2rrr...

...it's no longer you. :(

So -

7sRWild, ajpearson, Bananaman, bhouse, dstorey, echoz, fifan, Gadgetman, housebeautican, John, JohnWilliams, jonclancy, KugaWestie, langy, Meakin, nipolina, Norman Verona, peterg, smokey mow, Soot1e, stephenh, Stuart, sweet orange, tabs23, timmeh, and toff...

...it still might be you! :cool::t-up:

Updates as appropriate!

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"Big End Brother"

That's sexist, what about the sisters.

(do sisters have big ends. Well, maybe, but who's brave enough to say so)

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On today's episode of Big End Brother, more incorrect choices means two people are no longer in the running for the big 2,000,000 prize, and today...

robo1968 and s2rrr...

...it's no longer you. :(

So -

7sRWild, ajpearson, Bananaman, bhouse, dstorey, echoz, fifan, Gadgetman, housebeautican, John, JohnWilliams, jonclancy, KugaWestie, langy, Meakin, nipolina, Norman Verona, peterg, smokey mow, Soot1e, stephenh, Stuart, sweet orange, tabs23, timmeh, and toff...

...it still might be you! :cool::t-up:

Updates as appropriate!

Could you pm me my guess please I forgot it :(

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I doubt it, he would have not hidden them if he was prepared to tell you afterwards.

Anyway, it's , erm should I, shouldn't I, let me think, I'll let you know after due delibirations. I'm just like an Ent, not hasty (????)

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OK, just looked at your guess and you have no chance.

No chance of me telling you what it is, that is.

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What, and kill your thrills and suspense? How boring! I'll bet you're the type that reads the last chapter of crime novels first to see whodunit.

Let's just say with only 1,700 posts to go, you're still very much in the thick of it.

Sorry if you forgot, but this is a cliffhanger - just sit back and enjoy. :)

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Cliffhanger? OK, my fingernails hurt enough.

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Oh please I'm only after my guess not anyone else's. I promise I won't take the server offline

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Fingers in ears, humming loudly, I can't hear you.

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I will throw in a bag or two of cable ties as a sweetener :yes:

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No, no, you'll find out soon enough.

As the winner is announced so will the losers, wink, wink.

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