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Countdown (Stats On First Post)

Norman Verona

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I'm tempted but I suspect it'll be 1 million hundreds and thousands.

Please...give me some credit, I'm not that petty. It's much better than that.

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must be a note with " I owe you 1,000,000 " written on it

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I won't need to write a note because the prize will be sent within 24 hours.

A lottery ticket is worthless unless it's a winning one. This prize has a real value to the winner that I'm paying for.

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OK, you can send it now.

Post takes longer to reach us. :)

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i will collect to save on postage to increase the odds for me

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Scott, larking around to one side, did you say you were going to hide the predictions after voting closes. I only ask because I was going to make a list of the predictions.

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Don't you want to be surprised, Norman? I'll unhide it once the contest is finished.

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Lets take a look at yesterdays total. They wil be a bit screwed as I'm late today.

Back soon.

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Right, this is probably the last day you can guess. I'm off to to check.

Back soon.

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a good day yesterday and only 91 to go. I'll guess about 16:00 then Scott can get his big scissors out.

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