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Countdown (Stats On First Post)

Norman Verona

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You now have fewer than 2,000 posts left to make or amend your prediction... :ghostface:

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Let's see what we did yesterday. I guess the c0ck raised our posts a bit.

The fool will be back soon.

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I was wiring the trailer wiring to the Skoda yesterday - what a nightmare. Got it all working, put all the trim back and then it stopped - nothing. By which time I was too tired to sort it out so it'll wait till Thursday.

Right off to see how you all did yesterday, back soon.

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233 in 26 hours. So about a week left to vote.

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You now have fewer than 1,500 posts in which to make or alter your prediction... :ghostface:

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Lets see how we did yesterday,

back soon.

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258 in 22 hours. Getting better.

I'm out all day today so it will be down tomorrow. HMs got a check up at Angers hospital. Then she wants lunch at Subway, then she want to go to a shop she's been told about. Just think of me, all this suffering.

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Only 142 all day. I'll have to stay in from now on.

Anyway, HM goes back to hospital next September and I go next November so we are getting better. Not better looking, only better.

Tomorrow we start our exercise regime, a walk around the local lake. Lets see how long that lasts.

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I think we had a good day yesterday after all.

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Very good. We will be below 1000 to end of voting by this time tomorrow. So, on average we should reach the 995k sometime on Monday.

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