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Countdown (Stats On First Post)

Norman Verona

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Only 180. I'll have to finish this Skoda and sit here all day posting to get the count back up. You have been warned. :)

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I know, and it helps me as well as I want to predict a date that we will go past if the rate kept as it was.

Just don't tell anyone, it'll be our secret.

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Let's go and see how we did.

Probably down again.

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It was a slow day yesterday, i was on most evening but nobody else appeared to be

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Quite a few regulars were either at a track day at Oulton yesterday, or getting ready for an early start at the trackday today at Snetterton(?)

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I think they should get black marks for not trying hard enough! ;)

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I would have thought that if they were really trying they would leave black marks all over the track.

Good morning all. Looks fairly nice here, not sunny but bright and not raining. However it did rain sometime during the night.

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Morning all, a wet and cold morning in Cornwall. We have frequent hail storms, and then bright sunshine the next minute

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Oooops, forgot to do the stats. Looks like I thought this was the good morning thread.

Right off to do the stats. Better late than never.

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250 post in 26 hours. Looks like 995,000 will be on 15/11. Well within a day or 3 of that :)

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