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Countdown (Stats On First Post)

Norman Verona

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Just looking at the overnight posts (must keep up you know)

Then off to get then count (of monte cristo?) and update the first page.

Listen chaps, can we increase the posts as this daily update is getting to be a bore.

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only 263. But I reckon 200 of those must have been Steve, Filfan and I in a mad half hour when we were having a rapid conversation by posts.

Just thought, Steve's in Canada, I'm in France, does that make us French Canadian?

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Yeah I looked at the top posters last night and we had about 150 between us.

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I think we better get a life. That's 3 lives not one.

Well I'm going to paint the ceiling, doors and windows today. I was going to leave this till winter time but I'm now in the swing of things so may as well. I reckon 2 days on this and 2 days painting the very large chimney breast upstairs and I'll be finished for now. That will only leave boxing in the CH pipes downstairs to do.

Then on to the winter work on the car.

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Blimey I missed it all, we had no internet yesterday so I was lost !!!

Best make up for it today

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Right off to update yesterdays count.

Back soon.

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WOW!!! 359, what happened? Wasn't me I was painting most of the day.

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Certainly makes predictions more tricky.

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Bet it was you playing with the counter. :)

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That's a good one. I'm going to get excel out later to work out a formula for my guess

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I've got several formula for predictions. Developed over many years for parts restocking based on long term usage.

But to be honest I think you'll be better off licking your finger and sticking it in the air. (why do we lick our finger to do this?)

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Can see that not been a good idea for some professions.

Think it's to do with evaporation giving a cool sensation

The wind would speed up evaporation of moisture

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Well I can never feel the difference between a licked and dry digit.

Another thing I'm not good at.

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