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Countdown (Stats On First Post)

Norman Verona

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what the devil

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NO, go and sit on the naughty step!

Indoor voices please.


:p :p :p :p


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Oh all right.......here I am,a voice from the wilderness of the frozen north.

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On my second coffee will be human in a few mins.....out for turkey dinner last night, good food great company and lots of vino collapso.....

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Got to finish leveling the great room floor today, got the mezzanine carpeted so have to put the desks and computer stuff up there today as well.

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Going to be 18c this afternoon so got to try and squeeze a quick run out in the car if I can.

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Who's counting, apart from the cat?

I did some finishing up today.

Second coat of floor paint on the step.

Drilled wall for four pictures (not easy when the wall is granite)

Screwed the last (I think) sockets on. One on the floor in the day room, one in the dressing room and one on the wall behind my desk. Tried to fit the cover for the consumer unit in the dressing room. The slots for the trips don't line up with the slots in the cover so I had to cut them wider with a Stanley knife. It's only a small cut in my leg. Then took all the tools back to the workshop and barn garage (car stuff in the workshop, building stuff in the barn). Went to drill 6 holes in the end walls of the barn and house to fit HM's washing lines. This is ultra important as a women without a washing line is like an alcoholic without a drink. But it started to rain so it'll have to wait.

Then went back to workshop and barn to get screwdriver and spirit level so I can put two screws in the wall to hold my cast iron Victorian post box front. Done. But the tools will have to stay here until tomorrow.

I've kept the paint, tile cement and grout along with associated tools and, of course, the SDS drill for the washing line hooks. HM's still complaining because there's a "mess" in the day room.

Just can't win!

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Can I get off the step now please. I will b good

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For good sake Norm....take a breath....I have to have a sit down just reading that lot.Oh, go get your leg stitched...

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