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Countdown (Stats On First Post)

Norman Verona

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WFT? :laugh:

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Just did some rough calcs based on 10,000 in 39 days.

We will reach 1 million in 62 days. Around end of November beginning of December. Too soon, might have to ask you to slow down a bit.

We need to get to the target on 12/12/12 at 12:12. I'll do finer calculations nearer the time and we can adjust the postings.

I really need the 1 million whatevers.

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what the devil

Tropical rainstorm here in Pattaya at the mo.

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Paul, we're all gutted for you. Lets hope your sunshine returns soon.

(no, not really, we're all sniggering. I've been sitting outside in the sun and it's wonderful.) :) :) :)

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Is it wrong of me to be laughing... :laugh: :laugh: :laugh::oops::blush::suspect:

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NO, poor Paul, fancy telling us it's raining in paradise.

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just noticed we're 43 away from next thousand.

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31 :oops:

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Only 16,029 to go.

So, 10,079 in 41 days = 245.82.

16,029 / 245.82 = 65.2 days

About 4th December at this rate.

I've predicted 12/12.

I may just stop posting to slow it down.

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