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Norman Verona

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Ok then wise men. Any advice on dealing with a moody 12 year old, apart from a shotgun !!! Cant even get in the garage to build the kit

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Ok then wise men. Any advice on dealing with a moody 12 year old, apart from a shotgun !!! Cant even get in the garage to build the kit

Cable ties and duct tape

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Playboy has far too much reading in for him. Duct tape sounds like a plan, currently all quiet at the moment.

hopefully he stays that way so I can get cracking with some bodywork this weekend

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must be time for bed for you lot, its mid afternoon and hot here, westfield time I think......Night night boys and girls.

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It's never night time for me sleeps for wimps.

Where are you seen?

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Never thought I would end up here, love the place, I come back to the UK to refresh every now and then, trying to get back for a visit next Sept.

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