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Norman Verona

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Lost reception...

Could this be counted as cheating? Will Scott be upset with me again?

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Lost reception...

Could this be counted as cheating? Will Scott be upset with me again?

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Top Tip

you can post and then delete the post , it still counts and no one knows you done a cheat post ;)

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Top Tip

you can post and then delete the post , it still counts and no one knows you done a cheat post ;)


Too much effort though.

Popped in local, never music that loud or more than 10 people. But there's just married balloons all over the place and kids! My escape's gone... Ah, I got washing for the wife... That'll keep her busy and out the way.

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How you choose to "aid" (and I use the term loosely) Norman is your business.

However, I do like a man who so publicly tempts his lovely wife wife to kill him, while providing ample evidence of provocation as justifiable self-defence grounds. Just remember there is no law on the books against discharging a firearm into a public nuisance.

Top Tip: Calling a woman "the wife", as if you own her (and which is how she will see it eventually), is a ticking time bomb which will go off in due course.

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I'm called "The Husband" so does that mean I'm a time bomb too?

She is the wife, she likes being the wife and she enjoys the wife's duties! I had a bag on my back and all it had was my lunch, my washing and her surprises... Kinda surprise, Bombay mix, cashews and cookies!

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We've never called each other wife or husband. We introduce ourselves by our names, so instead of saying "and this is my wife/husband... " we just say "and this is Lynne/Norman" Our kids have always called us by our first names so many people assume we're not married.

When they were in primary school, the teacher asked Lynne to call in for a chat. She was concerned that Tanya, when asked to write what they had done at the weekend, would write "Norman took us...". Who was this Norman and why didn't her Daddy take her somewhere..

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I like that Norman, it's good.

I introduce here as Sarah and speak to her in that way. But when not in Sarah's presence I'll usually use the wife. This is as we're both nurses and I'm in the army, so move about a lot and change wards quite a bit... So know about 6 Sarah's and Sarah uses the husband as we know several Stephens and I have nicknames to the extent there's not many people that know my real name.

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I'm called "The Husband" so does that mean I'm a time bomb too?

No. There is one rule for men, and one rule for women. You really should know this by now.

She is the wife, she likes being the wife and she enjoys the wife's duties! I had a bag on my back and all it had was my lunch, my washing and her surprises... Kinda surprise, Bombay mix, cashews and cookies!

"Wife's duties"? Dear oh dear... I assume you know that most women who murder use poison as their weapon of choice. That Kinda egg might have more than a toy inside one day. Free tip: Keep an eye on your life insurance levels. If you suddenly get much more well insured, start eating out. Take from a man who's just survived celebrated his 25th wedding anniversary.

I can see you need a primer or two - this might illuminate things for you:

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First clip was funny...

Second clip "we're going to discuss men's brains and women's brains..." well, women's brains??? Clearly a load of rubbish.

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