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Countdown (Stats On First Post)

Norman Verona

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Ok Norm I need you over here, I'm doing a drive/ parking pad at thw side of the house and need an extra hand with it, oops sorry forgot you are short handed or digit challenged or something!!!!!

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So, got blue skies plus 20 temps, oh yes thinks I, gonna peg off work today get the westy out and country roads here I come. Not! Freekin gale force winds again, trees knocked down, dust storms expecting to see flying cows any minute!

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One of our neighbors, a lady by the nama of Dini(pronounced dyni) sits in her back yard with a pellet gun and when she gets peeded of with the cawing of the many crows we have locally she shoots them. Doesn't kill them but gives them a nasty turn, she popped one ladt week, the bird did a spiral fake death roll and flew into a power transformer and put the power out to a good portion of the neighborhood.

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Finally realised what the prize is

Norm will stop badgering us to post :d

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You are so kind. Now I'm going to update the firts post with yesterdays total.

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You are so kind. Now I'm going to update the firts post with yesterdays total.

I like badgering

It beats dogging these days

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10:30 21/8 973,892

13:28 21/8 974,154 262 getting better.

17:22 21/8 974,215 61 slowing down

09:08 22/8 974,375 160 needs more posts

13:45 22/8 974,414 39 come on chaps, more effort required.

10:12 24/8 974,748 334 doesn't seem like much.

19:40 24/8 974,869 121 slowing down again. 977 since 10:30 21/8

09:55 25/8 974,939 70 1047 in 4 days.

15:21 26/8 975,229 290 not bad.

18:50 27/8 975,478 149 in 27 hours - not good!

09:30 28/8 975,610 132 overnight, not bad.

10:02 29/8 975,715 205 in one day. not good.

11:55 30/8 976,151 436 in just over a day - much better

10:00 31/8 976.356 205 slow, too slow.

18:30 31/8 976,469 113 in 6.5 hours. Not good enough, must try harder

10:37 01/9 976,606 137, not bad, but could be better

10:40 02/9 976,735 129 Is that all! At this rate we might as well try and guess the year, not the date.

10:05 03/9 976.964 229 that's better

18:45 03/9 977,064 another milestone past.]

08:47 04/9 977,199 235 in 23 hours. Not bad, but keep up the good work.

18:00 04/9 977,349 250 since 08:47, very good.

09:28 05/9 977,527 328 in 25 and a bit hours. Going up

10:32 06/9 977,792 265 in 25 hours. well done

10:18 07/9 977,992 I've added one to the count to get it to 200. We're slipping.

09:25 08/9 978,153 only 161 in 23 hours. All my calcs have just gone out the window.

10:07 09/9 978,325 172 Terrible!

08:32 10/9 978,564 239 keep it up.

10:30 11/9 978,797 233 in 26 hours. Just not good enough! Must try harder

10:30 21/8 973,892

10:30 11/9 978,797

So, since 10:30 on 21st August to 10:30 11th September we have made 4,905 posts.

Over the 20 days that works out at 245.25 per day.

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