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Countdown (Stats On First Post)

Norman Verona

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I've been putting the garage floor down - so apologies but here's one...

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Been out for a bit of a reasonable run, changed my oil and filter back out filled up with go juice and actually tried my Emtec earplugs which were very good, no oil leaks and pressure slightly up all good. Even achieved a new pb on the high speed run :love: . Got home her indoors getting stressed, think I'l go and do some more stuff. Cut grass, do toenails, stick pins in my eyes etc etc must finish my San MIguel first though.

Bob :)

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Only 172 post yesterday. I think we should change this competition from which date to which year.

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Why the hangover? Where you bin drinking without me...

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Bbq last night, several bottles red

You and Michelle around next sat eve?

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getting better.

Now you're not busy at work today so post away.

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