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Sarda Charity Bike Ride

Scottish Bloke

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Morning All,

This Saturday 18/08/12 my brother Steve and a team of 8 other riders will attempt to cycle the West Highland Way in a Day (96 miles off road) to raise money for the Search and Rescue Dogs Association. Steve’s close friend Stuart Ruffell was an active member of SARDA, sadly Stuart passed away suddenly so in his honour the riders decided to take on this huge challenge.

My Brothers story is below, please donate anything you can via the ‘justgiving’ link http://www.justgiving.com/Steve-Kerr0

Thanks, Richard :t-up:

I have been inspired to raise money for SARDA in memory of my sadly missed friend Stuart Ruffell who with his dog Moss was an active member of SARDA and the Tweeddale Mountain Rescue Team.

All of us that use the countryside owe a debt to those that give up their time and even risk their lives so that we can enjoy our chosen hobbies with the the knowledge that there will always be someone willing to help if it is needed.

Our team of riders are as follows (in no order other than my useless brain can remember) Colin Mackay, Ed Ibbetson, Mark Ruffell, Steve Ruffell, Neil Ramsey, Caroline Wallace, Steve Deas, Sam Anderson and finally myself Steve Kerr.

In addition to that there are all of our family and friends who will be helping out to make this possible for us.

Training is well under way and all we need now is luck on our side with the summer weather and some of your hard earned cash to make it worth it!

This is no mean feat with nearly 100 miles to complete in the day and off road at that but nothing when compared to the dedication that the members of SARDA show every time they get out of their warm beds at 3am to rescue someone from a hillside somewhere.

Please dig deep, these guys really deserve it.


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