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Olympics Closing Ceremony


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Brain May wasn't playing the guitar. Firstly it wasn't plugged in and secondly his hand movements didn't correspond to the sound.

It was plugged in, it is all wireless with his stuff

And he definately planned to do it all live, so unless the powers that be changed their minds on the night, it should have been him playing

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I was watching and it seemed that his strokes across the strings didn't relate to the music I was hearing.

May be wrong. (pun intended)

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Someone today sent me an article by Chris T-T (it's a blog I think) which ended with this summary. And I agree wholeheartedly with it. As someone said above, perhaps it's an age thing.

What Boyle’s Opening Ceremony had done was open up the doors; a box of delights; the best of what we are and what we can be in Great Britain, how we built this motherf****r. Showing us our truthful crazy-beautiful spirit and heralding in two weeks of sport in such a way that we felt something could be reclaimed and changed. We repaid him by being the best athletes, volunteers and audience in history.

What Gavin’s Closing Ceremony has done is to throw Britain back in the box and slam it shut; fiercely and unquestioningly placing current hegemonies back in charge; re-infantilising and re-exoticising all that Boyle had tried to unlock for us; a revenge for the otherness and the hierachy and the celebrity-for-its-own-sake, just as these bulls*** Cowellian things had seemed to be proven unneeded. It was a boot on our face. I wonder how we’ll repay him.

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Brain May wasn't playing the guitar. Firstly it wasn't plugged in and secondly his hand movements didn't correspond to the sound.

Most likely time delay, the speed of sound is afterall only 340 m/s so what you see may not always correspond to what you hear.

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But the TV sound will have come from the mixing desk so it won't have travelled through the air.

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He was completely out. Guitar sounds were heard when he wasn't even touching the strings.

Never mind, it's not important.

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Agreed it's not important but fwiw I think he was playing live.

His use of multiple delays and loopers means that what you see often doesn't match what you hear...

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For both opening and closing ceremonies, I felt a Monty Burns comment most apt - I know what I hate...and I didn't hate that.

Both a bit of a curates egg for me, but some real high points. Worst lows for me were to see acts I loved turning out and making a poor job of it simply because they are older than they were. Why not accept the obvious, that they have got older and can't do it justice any more. Either do some new material that they can do well, or ertire gracefuly. Annie for example used to have the voice of an angel, sadly, not any more.

Much preferred the opener to the closer though. Lighting and pyro effects superb for both.

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Mick was asked but said the Stones were a bit out of practise for big jigs like the Jubilee and Olympics, that did not seem to occur to anyone else!! Never been really interested in any sport without an engine but we were glued to the screen for almost every event, BMX mind boggling!! They say if you rememember the 60s you were not there, well I was and "digging up" old acts especially Ray Davies was quite frankly Weird. Perhaps I completely missed the message but at a venue for young people where were the likes of Adele and Katie Melua and a host of others that have true singing talent??

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Hard to say who was or wasn't available, of course. Although some bright spark apparently did ask Keith Moon's agent if he was available. (In other news, Keith Moon still has an agent.)

All the performers and stars were paid £1 each - so maybe some of them refused to perform because of that.

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must admit I really enjoyed it - the stars of the show were the younger performers IMO - thought the bit with the performers in the three rollers was excellent - I dont really think you can complain too much about the lack of vocals on some of the older talent on display - it was just nice to see them getting applause for the contribution to most of our childhoods

the Freddie Mercury and the John Lennon parts were very moving

Did not match up to the opening ceremony but still no complaints really

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Allegedly all the artistes mimed - they recorded their pieces prior to the event as the organisers didnt want to take a risk on something going wrong. Noel Gallagher was asked to appear but refused when he was told he had to mime.</p>

I was there prior to the stadium being opened to the public when the bands were doing err soundchecks, I have to say Jessie J was appalling when doing the Queen song in the afternoon yet when she performed in front of the audience it wasnt too bad...not as good as the original obviously. The Who did a cracking soundcheck. in the afternoon.

Now I ask myself the question why would you do a soundcheck if you were miming....I think maybe the secret lies with what we heard at the Opening ceremony when Paul McCartney was out of synch with his pre recorded song

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