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Crap Driving


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i used to think that liverpool car insurance was high as "historically" there was a lot of crime and all of those types of reasons. you know dont stop at the lights cos some scally will have your wheels off etc.

after moving back into the city and this morning its plainly just cos all of the drivers here are incondiserate gob****es. i've never seen such a consistent bad display of driving across the board. mayve heavy rush hour traffic is good as it hemms these idiots in cos on the emptyish roads today god help anyone who got in the way!

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Dom, you've got it werong. They're just trying to run you off the road.

So they can nick your wheels.

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Have you ever been to Birmingham?

I've seen some shocking driving here! a few month back there was a fiesta wiggling up the road, lady driving had phone to ear and was shouting, waving the other arm while trying to drive! At traffic light she got out, opened boot, pulled out tyre spider and got back in the car and drove off.... i hung back from then and turned off ASAP!

another was at a amber light i stopped... handbrake up, then a couple of seconds later i was pushed into traffic by the guy that drove into me! he proceeded in telling me it was my fault and i should've accelerated through and got to the other side!

a top 10 has to be giving a friend a lift home and i stopped at a zebra crossing, they went mad and told me they were optional! trying to cross at zebra crossings is fun, many times i've been half way across and had people drive at me and shout!

three weeks ago i was driven into by a guy taking a right turn, i was going straight on, at a traffic light controlled cross road. he went... stopped... then went for the gap behind me, wiping me out, in my Westfield! "I thought you had gone passed.." last time i looked there's not much to the back of a Westfield.

last year i was driving straight down a road and with out indicating or slowing down some bird took a right turn across my path, i got out and asked her what she was doing (Kinda) she replied "I didn't see you". i have a chrome yellow Westfield!

at one point i had camera on the phone filming the driving, then edit it when home... but only lasted a few trips! please tell me that Liverpool's like this as well. stated there are 3 accidents in 18 months! all other party at fault and all i've been pretty much stationary!!! i could go on and on and on... every journey is like a episode of whacky races!

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Why don't you move from Brum......

.... and go to Liverpool.

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I work in Birmingham and drive here...


(Walking distance from home)

Every weekend. My Wife has a good local ale, ice cold, and a nice home cooked meal waiting for my arrival. Liverpool would just be too much of a drive.

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OK, stay where you are.

Looks lovely.

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Cheers, there's some gorgeous costal roads too. If She's not in the car I have some good fun on them.

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What a cracking beach.... looks like Bigbury unless I'm mistaken

What a fantastic place for a drive

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What a cracking beach.... looks like Bigbury unless I'm mistaken

What a fantastic place for a drive

Spot on. The drive in/out is as scary as removing brake fluid and driving! Only because single track lanes means biggest keeps going and the westy stops and breaths in.

But once out on Kingston road and other roads with centre lines it's epic.

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today was just nuts. it was pretty quiet at 7am and it just seemed for this lot that i saw that meant they could use any side of the road, go through red lights wrong or right side of the road (its optional) go at any speed so long at its above 60 pretty much do what they liked.

if it was just the odd driver like the young lad in the clio who was charging up the inside then fine but it wasnt it was at least five or so different people all ages, all types of car. the worst had to be the guy who went most of the way up smithdown road on the wrong side as the two lanes of traffic was too slow and then went though the red lights at the top. he did slow down a little to look so was being considerate :)

liverpool has always been bad for the amber gambler and going too fast i will admit there im guilty myself of doing this but today was in a different league.

ok well just kepp my eyes open and out of the way. hopefully they wont crash into me and when they do crash they will give swmbo something to do in A&E.

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In gawd knows how many years of city driving i've very rarely had a problem with any other road user :t-up:

so perhaps its just you driving in a crappy manner :) :) :)

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Same here, never had a problem.

But HM has a problem every time she ventures onto the road.

Must be a state of mind.

or lack of a mind

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Same here, never had a problem.

But HM has a problem every time she ventures onto the road.

Must be a state of mind.

or lack of a mind

maybe... or it was just yesterday and i cuaght the loony brigade. generally liverpool dirivng is fairly prdicatable.

i do think driving as a whole tho people are less considerate here than where i used to live. just little things you see like going up curbs when someone is turning right etc. we would be screwed if liverpool police started clamping down on speed limits

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She will go shopping, about 10 kms away and return with tales of this tractor, the bloke who couldn't park, that combine she met, the cow in the road (a real one).

I go into town and probably see and meet the same things but just deal with it and forget it.

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Going down a 30, built up area, and driver infront was a bit uneasy, hitting brakes at random times and all over the road. So I eased back. The guy behind drove that far up my you know what that I could smell he was smoking something not advised with driving, or legal! Then the guy behind decided to overtake, oncoming traffic caught him out and I was pretty much pushed onto a pavement with people! The moron infront then spooked driver infront, who slammed on and moron then pulled into oncoming traffic pretty much sending everyone on the road on the pavements!

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