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Is It A Real Ferrari - Can You Tell?


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No worse than a Westy trying to be a Lotus! :p :p

Not my cup of tea but I'm sure its he's pride and joy and proud of putting a kit together :t-up: :t-up: that to be fair was probably much harder than a westy to assemble.

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thats a lot of gaffer tape..... and i love the "securon" belts...... :-)

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I couldn't resist, I've traded in the Westfield and going to make him an offer. It might cost me a little extra but worth it in the long run.

I always dreamed of owning a Ferrari, this total pile of sh*t could change my life forever.

That is a truly amazing effort by the guy, go to hand it to him, couldn't have looked much worse!

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There were a load of Ferraris parked up at the Donington Classic earlier this year when I went with jak. We were quite tempted to say what a nice job they'd done covering up the MR2..........

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Ain't a great kit, the interior's shocking and after all the extra weight's crushed the performance I'm sure any CHAV in his 1.2 corsa will get a little tingle in his pants for leaving a Ferrari at the lights!

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It was only the license plate that gave it away for me. I don't think they made 430's in 1998.

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Looks like a Pug 406 that's been in the sun too long. Mind you, the panel gaps look convincingly Italian.

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It always amazes me what I see at Stoneleigh each year. Did anyone see the white 'Bentley GT' parked indoors near our club stand.

The thing is that most supercars have been built in such volume over the past 15 years andhave depreciated so heavily as a result that you can bag a decent Ferrari, Aston, Porsche etc easily for £30 - £40k. You wouldn;t get much change out of £30k to build a top notch replica.

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I didn't know that the F430 had Citroen like adjustable suspension - Raised high up in the pics I guess for off-roading reasons?

Edit - Sorry, just read that :- "Lowering springs have also been added to give the car the correct ride height" so it must be correct.

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