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Chasis Paint


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Just had some work done on the rear end of the car, noticed some shiney bits where powder coating used to be. Any one recomend some good stuff they have used that i can paint over the shiney bits.


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POR15 is good stuff

however for touching up in areas that dont get shot blast by stones some hammerite dabbed on with a small smooth sponge (rather than painted - I find hammerite horrible stuff to paint) looks good and lasts ok - dries pretty quick and 2-3 coats of dabbing does the job

you been out in her yet m8?

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Fantastic stuff that POR 15 is, be very careful you only get it on the things you want it to be on; is sticks like **** to a blanket and drys rock hard. Let it dry on your hands and you be watching it slowly wear off for the next week or so :laugh:

Very easy to use though, worth remembering though, if the touch up is in a visible spot, POR 15 isn't UV stable, so any bits in direct sunlight really need a quick over paint. Satin Hamerite is a pretty good match to black powdercoat.

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If you look on the Frost website they do a mixed pack of POR15 rust preventive and chassis coat black topcoat which isn't uv sensitive.

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POR15 from Frosts is what I used recently .... fantastic stuff. The POR15 sets like rock

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If you've got lots to do, the multi packs of small tins are very handy. A little seems to go quite a long way, but once opened you don't want the tin hanging around for months as it cures rock hard in there where exposed to air.

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