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Jean-Marie's Creation.

Norman Verona

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Jean-Marie and Nathalie visited us yesterday. Jean-Marie is the chap who has built a fully enclosed (but open top) body on a Westie chassis.

The car is fantastic. The workmanship in making the moulds and panels is truly awesome. Jean-Marie has photos of the build. He modeled the body from ply and then made plaster moulds. A friend then made the glass fibre panels from these moulds. I've never seen such a good finish from fibre glass before. No ripples, no sinking, it's just perfect. The boot is novel. It is hinged at the rear. You unclip it (could be locks) and lift slightly. it then slide back under the roll bar and then you lift it fully. It has a stay bar to hold it up.

I hope he puts bodies up for sale, I'm sure there is a market. HM thought it was fantastic and wanted me to swap cars with him

Maybe those who would be interested should say so and he may be persuaded to make some more.

In case you've never seen this fantastic car:



Thanks Scott, I'd forgotten about this photo.

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Norman - did you get any other photos? how did he fix the new panels on the existing ?

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I didn't get any more photos. The panels are mounted on outriggers which, I presume, are welded to the existing chassis,.

Jean-Marie is a member and I've shown him how to post photos so he may be able to get more published.

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He had an album of photos with him when we met at Stoneleigh; certainly a most impressive creation.

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Probably the same photos he showed me.

I forgot to say what a lovely couple they are. Very rare to meet such nice people.

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From a previous thread, go to Post #18

I would love to see more photos of this, and as Norman says, what a nice couple, met them at Stoneleigh and wish them well, hope they make more!

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Dom, not sure.

think he needs some encouragement to make more. He has the moulds so no reason not to make more.

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Dom, not sure.

think he needs some encouragement to make more. He has the moulds so no reason not to make more.

. its facinating. i would be very interested in seing how it all fits together. does it bolt on around the original bodywork or does it replace it completely? in that other post it just says it uses steel/ali box outriggers.

well done Jean-Marie for making it. :t-up:

you can see how there is the posibility to make other improvments/changes etc from the front on view.

i wondered when i was putting on my bodywork if you could just ahve a completely closed over type of bodywork that bolted on in the same mannor and why WF never bothered with it. i guess its just not the 7 look then is it and there were other doing it.

edt: he did also say he was doing a website ... come on Jean-Marie ... i bet im not the only one wanting to see that. :)

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He is doing a web site, started last week. I hope he won't mind if I give you the address. http://www.jmc-roadster.com/

His first attempt was scrapped because he thought the bonnet line was too high. This is the second iteration.

One thing I noticed was how solid it felt. No rattles or squeaks or shakes.

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that looks in the main really nice - but my eyes keep getting drawn to the roll bar, windscreen and bonnet which look not quite right IMO

still a real credit to the guy to have a go at making something like this - I am sure with a bit of a restyle it could be quite an interesting project for any westy owner who fancies a change but cannot bare to part with their car

Be very interested to see more pictures

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you know what if the rear pods behind the driver were made taller and the roll bar incorporated that would look very cool - also the winscreen ditched in favour of a perspex aero style pods

sorry just thinking aloud :oops::d

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you know what if the rear pods behind the driver were made taller and the roll bar incorporated that would look very cool - also the winscreen ditched in favour of a perspex aero style pods

sorry just thinking aloud :oops::d

funny how poeple differ, i was thinking scrapping the screen in favour of a different shape one that offers better wind protection/is slighlty bigger. also was thinking if the bonnet line was higher (as it appears to be) it might offer more engine options or make it easier to squeeze the honda one in. tbf i prefer the screen on the westy as i thnk it looks better than the areo bubble.

rock on with the site :) ill keep an eye on that one

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It would be great if he could bring it to Stoneleigh next year, would really draw a crowd. :)

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It would be great if he could bring it to Stoneleigh next year, would really draw a crowd. :)

That's what Jean-Marie was talking about this year; he seemed just a little nervous at the reception he might get!

I like the windscreen option on it, though as others have said, it doesn't quite gel as is. (likewise the roll bar), maybe it's the flatness and proportions of those components compared to the bodywork - certainly with screens, that used to be the big issue in the sort of kit-car heydays of the seventies/eighties. So many designs would be spoiled with a flat piece of glass.

That said, in this instance, it's not a million miles away screen wise, you could possibly even just blend it better with a different frame. (Maybe even just adding a grp "trim" to the frame).

An aeroscreen as an option would be cool too though, in fact, thinking about it, it would be an ideal opportunity for someone as creative as Jean-Marie to integrate some kind of easily interchangeable full/aero screen package. :yes::d

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