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Has anyone else ordered from them recently? What kind of timescales was it for delivery?

I'm starting to think there's a problem here - I ordered nearly £500 of stuff on 7th July and waited weeks and didn't hear anything - then after chasing them I was told the stuff would be sent out wednesday last week, but still nothing and I'm getting a little annoyed/suspicious.

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Material or components. I've had materials from them (Easy Composites, the sister company) recently delivered next day.

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Can't offer much really. I know they're moving into other pre-preg areas and Westfields aren't really their core business anymore. Might just be they're scheduling in work for what they consider their core future business. I haven't heard any hints that they're struggling in terms of liquidity etc. I'd just give them another call and ask them to be honest with you, I've always found them very approachable.

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I blame Carpet Stu, he was obviously keeping the Westfield side of the business in profit single handed ;)

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I thought they had more or less stopped making components for Westfields? That was what they told me some while back.

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Were they not just doing the prepreg stuff? (Though to be fair, that was only one or two items for Westfields as I recall)

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Errr might be my fault I ordered a lot of parts and they should be ready this week I was told a week and a half but has been about three now

I know the are redoing the firewall mould

They are normally very good when I have dealt with them on the past

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Who are THE people for carbon bits for a Westfield now then?

Me soon hopefully but cant say much more at the moment I havent cleared sponsorship with the club. Who else makes carbon parts just so I can get an idea of what prices I need to beat :)

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Hi Greig,

There's no problem, things are good down at Carbon Mods :) . As we said when you ordered your parts the rear panel that you wanted we were making for you as a special favour; it's one of the discontinued 'wet-lay' products that we've not made for 12 months now (dispite people asking). We got the mould out of storage for Simon (see above) because he's spending a lot with us on products that are in our current range and he really wanted a back panel. You called just after asking about one and I said that you were in luck because we were getting the mould out of moth-ball for another customer.

When we did got the mould out, as is often the case, it had some scratches and needed a repair and repolish. As people have mentioned in this thread we are very busy with lots of projects at the moment (which is, in part, the reason for discontinuing some of the wet-lay bits) which makes it difficult for us to quickly turn around work like a mould repair alongside our current work.

As it happens everything from your order is done now so you should get a shipping notification very soon. Simon, we're about there with your order too, we'll stay in contact!

Kind regards, Matt

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Just to keep the record straight, I've NEVER spoken to anyone from Carbon Mods on the phone, I think you must have me confused with someone else. I was completely unaware that the parts were being made as some special favour, I only followed the website instructions which basically said if the site let the order go through then there must be a few parts remaining.

I appreciate the effort if the panel is being made somewhat specially, but I was completely unaware of this and was in a bit of an information vacuum.

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Any chance of you getting out the mould for the Dashboards again? If we drummed up a list of names maybe?

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That suprised me so I've taken a look and you're right; I enabled the rear panel for a day or so on the website to allow another customer to make a purchase and it looks like you made a purchase at the same time. This explains why I thought I'd spoken to you because I did speak to that customer to tell them that I'd make it temporarily available, they purchased, then I disabled it. I'd not noticed that there were two rear panels (besides Simon's) on the system.

I apologise for the mixup but it is definately your bits that are ready now. Just picking up on the fact that you've never spoken to us on the phone, please feel free to do so at any time, we'll also answer and let you know where your parts are up to. I would have made a call if I'd not assumed you were a customer I'd already spoken to.

KugaWestie, I'm afraid not, this was a one off!

Best regards, Matt

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M444TTB I believe www.aerodynamix.co.uk have a good reputation with carbon :) Nothing to do with me and have no conection to the company.

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