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Dream Team Fails

Terry Everall

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Bit disappointed with the Mark cavendish build up with his dream team

Where the hell were they?

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Not at the front. :cry:

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Let’s not criticise too heavily when we don’t make it. Remember, there are a lot of world class people out there we may have not have seen as yet.

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Got to say I really don't understand cycling races.

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Shows what happens when they don't have the team radio telling them how far ahead the leaders are. Same rule will apply with the TDF next year, so will make the results far less predictable.

Its a farce anyway - won by a drug cheat and the peleton led by a drug cheat David Millar

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Did I see Cavendish get stroppy with a reporter after the TdF finish. The reporter asked if he would be recovered for London and Cavendish (or whoever it was) replied with a withering look that "you don't understand cycle racing"

Maybe it was someone else or was I dreaming?

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When I saw the title of this post, I thought it referred to team Everall!!

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It seems to me that in the cycling it is a team sport and yet only the chosen one is allowed to win the individual medal. You cannot take away what they do but the best man does not always win.

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I can't understand why "the dream team" Mark Cavendish own words during TV interview could not cover the breakaway or even get close to a sprint finish. The 5. 5hrs ride seemed a bit pointless!

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Watched the T'd France.

Wiggins won about half a million for that, thats not bad I thought, Then I was told he's on 1.5 million a year from Sky! :o

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Anyone can apply for the job. You only need be the best in the world.

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Did I see Cavendish get stroppy with a reporter after the TdF finish. The reporter asked if he would be recovered for London and Cavendish (or whoever it was) replied with a withering look that "you don't understand cycle racing"

Maybe it was someone else or was I dreaming?

It was Cavendish but after yesterday's race was over when a reporter asked if perhaps he didnt win because he was tired from the TDF

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It was Cavendish but after yesterday's race was over when a reporter asked if perhaps he didnt win because he was tired from the TDF

He said "Don't ask such stupid questions, do you know anything about cycling?"

I might have been tempted to ask who taught him his manners so I could avoid them too.

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The women's team seem to be at least trying to break the Peloton

Good luck to them

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It seems to me that in the cycling it is a team sport and yet only the chosen one is allowed to win the individual medal. You cannot take away what they do but the best man does not always win.

Well the best rider/tactician in a strong team on the day wins, but it's obviously extremely hard to win consistently. Would be better if the rule makers got a clue and ran a team point event IMO, unless you are going to average over a number of events as is done for yachting etc. They did so well in TDF that I hardly think this matters, well until the time trial start :d

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