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CarBen Fibre Creations

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Just recieved a quote from A-Plan for £280 which covers me on a 1993 Megablade, not sure if this is a good quote or not so was wanting some feedback from you guys?

Also how do NCB work? The guy on the phone never asked me about them he just asked about how long I had been driving for and if I had driven performance cars in the past?

Thanks guys


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With kit cars you typically don't get any NCB, but you do get exceptionally low insurance rates for the performance level of the car concerned. (Mind you, you usually don't get NCB on second cars etc anyway)

I'm afraid the insurance companies have long since picked up on the performance implications of bike engined kits, and what having a 1300 cc engine probably means! BEC's do seem to run a bit dearer. Comparing actual quotes though is extremely difficult as everything from postcode to driving history will vary yours from everyone elses.

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I've just renewed with A Plan. They were very helpful on the phone and their quote was about 25% cheaper than anyone else for the same cover. I don't have a BEC, mind...


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But Brian, your's goes up to 11. That must attract a premium.

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I'm with a company called EA Davies in Belfast and I am paying £180 for 3000 miles a year in my 08 Duratec.

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I've recently renewed with A-plan and received a very good deal, when compared to the renewal quote from Footman James.

Have read of a few people on Locostbuilders receiving seemingly good deals (sub-£200) on BEC's from Frank Pickles, although age/experience may be a factor. Might be worth trying them?

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Everyones personal circumstances, age, driving records, mileage, where we keep our cars etc will be different.

If you're worried whether a quote is good value or not then shop around a couple of other companies to get quotes from them so you're comparing like for like. :)

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BEC's do seem to run a bit dearer

Wouldn't say they are any dearer, we went from a 2-litre Robin Hood to a Megablade and the insurance went down by over £100 despite the car being worth twice and much and the performance is no comparison.

Comparing actual quotes though is extremely difficult as everything from postcode to driving history will vary yours from everyone elses.
Everyones personal circumstances, age, driving records, mileage, where we keep our cars etc will be different

Very true, if it's any comparison with your £280 Ben, I'm 32, insuring myself and both parents on our '99 Megablade for 3000 miles a year around the £250 mark for all 3 of us with Footman James ... can't remember the exact figure off the top of my head.

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Thanks for the information guys I will call a couple of the other places mentioned and see what comparison quotes come back like, £280 is still a lot cheaper than I was expecting so I am happy to pay that but of course if I can get it cheaper then thats always an extra bonus!

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I went with Frank Pickles and used their/his 'self repair/parts cover' policy... or whatever it is called. Fully comp, but if I crash I have to fix the car myself. The insurance only covered me for the cost of the parts. £110 for the year.

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