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Copy Deadline For Next Issue Of Westfield World

Captain Colonial

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Hello gang

This is a reminder that the copy deadline for the next issue of Westfield World is 17 August - only 24 days from now!

You did me proud last issue, and I hope that will encourage others to contribute too. Come on, you lot, entertain and educate us!

And you AOs - let's get your reports in too!

As a final threat...you really don't want me writing something for the mag again, do you? :ghostface:

Thought not! :t-up:

Right, now go get typing!


Scott :)

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Cheers for the heads up!

Is it possible that submissions not used for the last mag might be in the next one?



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Absolutely! Email Peter Osbourne your material, far better he has too much than too little.

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Ok already....I'll get right on that...sheez pushy or what..

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Already in hand :t-up: still two more essex events to have before the next copy deadline too, so will have plenty to write about again.

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Absolutely! Email Peter Osbourne your material, far better he has too much than too little.

Cheers Scott - he already has it from the last submission deadline :)

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Fortnight to go bump - BTTT! :)

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One week to go - BTTT! :)

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Crikey its been a busy few months for us, I hadnt realised quite how much there was to write about :oops: should be finished by tomorrow night.

Free bump for everyone else,

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I thought there were to be 4 issues this year, I have only received the SPRING copy this year.

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Must have got lost in the post - I have another copy of the Summer issue I can send you in the post. :)

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Oops, I seem to have missed this..............

I have not got the usual emails from Peter.

I'd best put an area reoport together.....


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Too late. lets discuss this for 6 pages.

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