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John Terry

Norman Verona

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The magistrate issued a statement after the verdict was handed down.

He thanked all concerned in the manner the trail witnesses and defendant had behaved in court, He also thanked the barristers for the professional manner they had conducted themselves. Finally he thanked Chelsea Football Club for their assistance and the season tickets.

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Makes a mockery of the system doesn't it. But he must have been innocent, I guess knock for knock.

Bob :no::angry:

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Now if hat had been a fan in the stands that said that and they had it on tape the outcome would have been different no doubt ,whatever they gave as an explanation

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Does anyone remember the Peter Cook sketch in which he gave his take on the summing-up at the Jeremy Thrope trial?

A masterpiece of satire but a terrifyingly accurate summary of the way 'justice' was handled back in the 80's.

Thank goodness it's not like that these days...

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Main link does not work for me :cry:

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Sorry Derek - yet another iPad problem, sorry, I mean design feature.

Go to YouTube and search for Cook Thorpe. Should be the first results. Go for the one that's 7mins + rather than 5.


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How times change

In the 1950 General Election, Nabarro was elected as an (MP) for Kidderminster, Worcestershire, which he held until 1964. He characterised himself as an old-style Tory: he opposed entry to what is now the European Union, was a proponent of capital punishment, and supported Enoch Powell. In 1963, during an appearance on radio, he said "How would you feel if your daughter wanted to marry a big buck nigger with the prospect of coffee-coloured grandchildren?" - remarks which were excised from a repeat of the programme the following week

Sir Gerald Nabarro


:t-up: :t-up: :t-up:

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Not a Chelsea supporter than Norman ???:)

I (sort of) am and have been since about 1965ish as I was asked at junior school who I supported and that was the name that came out of my mouth although I was born a little nearer Crystal Palace's ground (and Steve Kember was an 'old boy' of my school...)

anyway, I'm sure a lot of name calling goes on in the tunnel and on the pitch that never goes further than that - I do wonder if the 'member of the public' who made the complaint that led to this trial (and was later identified as an off-duty policeman...) was also a QPR supporter... I guess we'll never know ;):laugh:

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John Terry is just one reason the swear filter is in place in here...

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There's a f***** swaer filter?

What a load of b*****k*.

Boils my p*** that I am pervented from being allowed to exercise my right to free speech

:devil: :devil: :devil::oops: :oops: :oops:

Yup, that ought to do it :o :o :o

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You'd need it for Bradley Wiggins lately too...

an American journalist asked him how he reacted to people who doubted his achievements and compared him to Lance Armstrong when he rode with the US Postal and Discovery teams.

The three-time Olympic champion, his generation’s most outspoken proponent of clean riding, exploded at the implication. “I say they’re just f------ w------. I cannot be doing with people like that. It justifies their own bone-idleness because they can’t ever imagine applying themselves to do anything in their lives.

“It’s easy for them to sit under a pseudonym on Twitter and write that sort of s---, rather than get off their arses in their own lives and apply themselves and work hard at something and achieve something. And that’s ultimately it..... C----.”

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Peter, not a Chelsea supporter but I find it impossible to believe that he repeated something someone else said - at the top of his voice! Also who would call the white honkey a fuc*ing black nunney

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The wider problem with this is not the injustice, for clearly in our adversorial justice system, the most expensive legal team won, it is the fact that sportsmen behave like this.

Here are overpayed "sportsmen" many who if they had no talent to kick a ball would be inside, who are allowed by their team owners to behave on televised matchs in such a way. This behaviour falls down to the lower leagues where children argue with refs and swear like troopers whilst proud dads dream of first division glory for their offspring.

The FA should stamp on this in the same way they have allegedly stamped on racisum, oh just wait a second whilst I think about it

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The FA are going ahead with their own investigation. It's not bound by legal rules and doesn't need the burden of proof that a court requires.

Lets see what they decide.

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