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I Just Can't Believe What I've Just Heard On The News.

Norman Verona

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So, couple A work their whole lives, pay tax and NI and buy there own house. No state help other than child benefit.

Couple B spend their lives on benefit have their rent and rates paid by the state and live in a council flat.

So couple A have to mortgage their home to pay for care in their old age but couple B get it all for nothing.

The government want to put a cap on the cost of care. Wait a few years for the care home scandal.

No wonder so many won't work and want to live off the rest of us. There's no incentive to do anything else.

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Norman, I'll tell you a little secret------

It's allways been like that.

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Exactly the scenario my late Gran faced.

Low and behold, she 'gave up' when she was told she was going into a home and that her house would be sold to pay for it!

To this day I'm adamant she would've held on for a good bit longer if it weren't for the worry of leaving my Mum with no inheritance were she to go into the home!

Government in this country needs to take a long hard look at themselves if you ask me!


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your just trying to convince us all to move over the water aren't you :d if it wasn't for the kids and the business i wouldn't need much of an excuse

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Sootie, I'm aware that care hasn't been part of the "free" NHS, but to arrange to lend people money that their family will have to pay back after their gone is disgusting.

Dave, I can well believe your right. My generations are proud enough but the one before us took it as a huge insult to be owing money.

Cleggy, It's not the main reason I left the UK but the French government would never consider such a proposal. The main difference between the UK and France, as far as I can see, is that the French politician understand he must look after the people he serves. In the UK the people are supposed to look after the politicians they vote in.

Its about time we had a revolution and off with their heads.

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Don't you think the rest of us pay enough taxes to pay for the few that need care in their old age.

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completly agree norman


Im sick of this country already and im only a wee nipper!! :p

The only thing weve got going for us is our traditions and beautiful countryside (highlands, lakes, wales etc etc) and these are fast dissapearing too :(


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It's rather ironic that the stupid bu99ers seem to blame the general public for low voting turnout instead of looking in the mirror.

It's not all bad, we still have our bulldog spirit and.....




Radio 4.

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When my 85 year old mother suffered a severe stroke (lost all movement on right side, lost speech) seven and a half years ago, she needed to go into a nursing home. She qualified for NHS Continuing Healthcare, and all her care home fees and nursing were paid for. Two years ago, she was re-assessed and it was decided that she no longer qualified despite the fact that her care needs had not changed (fully bed bound, doubly incontinent, tube fed, tendency to pressure sores). She now has to pay a whopping £950 a WEEK in care home fees. That is a scary amount of money.

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We should all be looking after our elder parents, not relying on the state to take care of OUR parents. All around the world it's the younger family that looks after the elder parents, it's only the UK (as far as I know) that want to dump their elderley and sick parents on the mercy of the State

The scheme announced today is just Mr Cameron appeasing the lefties in the coaltion, he should have been a man and clearly said " It's your parents, look after them"

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If you work hard and put money aside the the HMRC will want a big slice.........................if you do F all and live in debt and danger the state will hand you everything. It won't change because there are so many on benefits if they cut them back they would voted out.

It's like the yanks and their cheap petrol, the US government spend millions forcing car companies to make economical cars that few people buy instead of upping the tax on fuel and making the people want economical cars.

This country pisses me off!

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easiest thing to do is sign the house over to the son or daughter then the state cant take the money ,simple

they make you pay for the care until you are down to your last 2k or summat like that i remember marshall telling me when his dad when into a home

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Bit late for us. My mother hasn't had the mental or physical facility to sign anything for the last seven and a half years.

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