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Yes Or No? To Cutting Out The 'fake' Moulded Vents On Bonnet?

Onliest Smeg David

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The engine bay collects plenty of water from the open front end of the tub any way so personally I cant see it making much difference , mines been fine in the wet but I did cut round holes and finished off with gromets (these can be changed for blanking grommets to keep some water out if needed) , it stopped the gel coat from changing colour above the exhaust if nothing else ;


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It's no worse than a V8 bonnet for water over the engine area, and possibly better! While there are some valid issues to solve, we are starting to get a bit silly now ;)

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If you're not doing it foor cooling then IMO don't cut it, I much prefer the look of an unfettled bonnet :)

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MGF255... hwo did you get such a clean finish to your Carb cut out with the plastic surround??

Surely you would have had an end or lip where start met finish???



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MGF255... hwo did you get such a clean finish to your Carb cut out with the plastic surround??

Surely you would have had an end or lip where start met finish???



I did look at fitting smaller filters but this wasnt recommended because i`d have lost too much clearance for the air horns inside so i took the next best option .

I used the rubber u-channel supplied by the factory to edge the cut out , I just had to make sure it was pressed tightly into all the corners and then make the join a good fit by cutting it slightly to long so it pushes together once fitted , the join is in the middle of the bottom run .


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Thanks for your thoughts......


not cutting!!

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