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Wheres The Best Place For Engines..?

Speed Freak

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Well Im coming towards the end of my project, and should it end up selling I will be on the lookout for a "next project"...

Just wondered wheres the best place for ex hillclimb/race/rally engines?

I would be considering redtop/duratec/st170... not sure how far the budget will stretch, but defo wanting to get to 250hp ish- so anything close to this figure could always get a bit pimped up to meet the requirements ;)

Have noticed that once you go over the 250 mark, the price goes up massively as you then have to consider the steel crank aswell...

if anyone could recommend some websites to keep an eye on, itd be much appreciated.

the ones Ive got at the mo are:



motorsport sales

british rally

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you should really consider what you want from the car and what purpose it will be used for , or even if you want a compromise car or a fully focussed car , there is a lot more to a car than just a engine you have to plan the whole car and build it for the intended purpose rather than plonk a big bhp engine in a chassis and expect it to perform to your dreams as this approach usually dissapoints trust me

so sit down and start from the begining seriously think what do you want from the car and plan what you want ,write it down ,scetch a few things and plan it in your mind from the start

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good point mate.

Absolutely right. Its not just the engine that interests me, but its something that I wanted to research first.... I wanted to try a lighter engine next time, hence no s2000 route... fancy a duratec, but think $$$ could be an issue... st170 really appeals tho.. only a bit heavier but a great engine. Your absolutely right tho, lots of other factors to consider... It will have to be a slightly older chassis to meet the german emissions requirments (they work off car reg date and not engine date).. 1995-2000 registered, otherwise no chance with throttle bodies.. so will have to look into chassis specs of that age... dont know if I will require modifications to take that sort of power...

ultimately Id like to have the car properly set up next time, with the right springs/damper setting etc... with regards to brakes, not a lot of choice really, either stick with m16's or go the whole hog with ap's...

I am looking into all aspects of car, just fancied the engine one first :d

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the s2000 is not a heavy engine ,its the s2000 gearbox thats heavy

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The Duratec doesn't need a steel crank until you reach really silly outputs. Mine runs 270bhp at 8,500 on a standard crank. SBD run their rally engines to 9,300 and race engines to 9,600 on standard cranks, just as they come from the factory with no additional balancing.

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Consider a Rover KV6

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The Duratec doesn't need a steel crank until you reach really silly outputs. Mine runs 270bhp at 8,500 on a standard crank.

:p wanna sell it cheap

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the s2000 is not a heavy engine ,its the s2000 gearbox thats heavy

the s2000 weighs in at around 150kgs (147) with anciliaries, duratec something like 88.....! even a redtop weighs about 115kg! honda is well heavy.

but your right about the gearbox... think the honda one weighs 25kgs more than a type 9!

I figured that If I went duratec and quaife box i could save nearly 100kgs next time!

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if you take off the standard inlet etc and all unneciary bits and fit tb's i will think you will find that the weight drops consderibly

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