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Army Cuts

jeff oakley

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Listening to the news about the cuts where we are going to cut 20,000 jobs out of front line forces to save money. We are becoming a small island with just enough to protect us. We are a laughing stock with aircraft carriers with no planes and not enough equipment to protect those on the front line and yet politicians throw our weight around when we are now anorexic.

So instead of cutting the men how about we get a grip on the spending that has no place in the modern world. Ceremonial dinners, purchasing done by idiots who do not know that they are being ripped off because the tender has MOD on it, the excess top brass, for instance we have twice as many admirals as ships in the navy and this is repeated across all the forces.

I have never been in the forces but I have the utmost respect for those who chose this life and I am appalled at what they are being asked to do with less and less whilst those in charge carry on reardless.

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You left out all the civil servants who we don't need if we changed the way we did things. It would also cut down on fraud where benefits are concerned.

Why do we spend fortunes on collecting TV licence money when it could be collected with rates?

Why do we spend fortunes collecting Road Tax when it could be added to fuel duty.

That's just two examples

ed to add that I suspect I know the answer.

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Why do they allow companies to manufacture number plates in any format they like instead of having it done by a government agency, then spend money chasing people for having illegal plates and dealing with cloning issues which we all pay for with higher insurance premiums?

/no need to reply, I also already know the answer

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According to this morning's news, we will still have the 4th. biggest defence budget in the world after these cuts. ??? ???

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Between 1997 and 2009, New Labour increased the number employed by the state by a net 850,000!!!

For those of us old enough to remember 1997, has that increase made any difference at all to the average tax payers quality of life? Was its purpose to improve tax payers quality of life?

Or was it to buy votes...

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No, Albert, it wasn't to "buy" votes (in my opinion). It's because the minister with the biggest department has the most power. So to go up that greasy ladder all you do is employ more people. It's just another version of "people power".

I think we have a culture that ministers feel they must do something to show they are "earning" the large sums of money they get. So they pour legislation through with most of it not thought through and in some cases not needed. Of course, the other side of the coin is to ignore problems and we end up with banking & press scandals.

The public have given up. They are punch drunk and just let them all get on with it.

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According to this morning's news, we will still have the 4th. biggest defence budget in the world after these cuts. ??? ???

That'll be the nuclear deterant then!

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I wonder who we're defending ourselves against.

Ah, got it. All the USA's imagined enemies with weapons of mass destruction.

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That'll be the nuclear deterant then!

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Ah, I'd forgotten how much I used to love Yes (Prime) Minister, great blast from the past! ;):d

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I wonder who we're defending ourselves against.

Ah, got it. All the USA's imagined enemies with weapons of mass destruction.

Ah, yes Norman the US do always have a need for an "Enemy" I thought I was the only one with that view. What's more they do like to keep the US public "Safe". Such a caring Government.

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You started me "Off" again Cap'n

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I suspect there are many of the British public who feel as we do. But our politicians have beaten them into submission so they no longer care.

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I think we should declare war on the USA.

With the size of the forces we have left, we'd lose horribly, but so did Germany and Japan and look what happened to them post 1945! They got their entire economies rebuilt!

When do we attack?

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I think we should declare war on the USA.

With the size of the forces we have left, we'd lose horribly, but so did Germany and Japan and look what happened to them post 1945! They got their entire economies rebuilt!

When do we attack?

You already did. You can't swing a dead cat in Florida, New York or LA without hitting a Brit. Sadly for your plan, Yanks tend to find you lot charming and therefore your plan is doomed to fail.

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