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Essex Blats - Feedback Required

Pistol Pete

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We've had three Essex blats this year so far (all in sunshine :cool: ) and well supported :t-up: :t-up: :t-up: , all based on what I think everyone is up for (read easy to commit to)...

..So any feedback back??

What do you think for of:

The length?

Day of week?

Timing - Earlier/Later & Sat/Sun?

Breaks - Coffee/Fag breaks/Tyre kicking - More/less?

Routes - Oh far too twisty/Fab v.twisty (especially liked the ten miles to Writtle when we're only 1 mile away) and never been down there before/I have a great route I'd like to share

/i'd rather go to digger land ;-)

How's eveyone finding the itn/google maps version of the route? ;)

Anyone up for a trip to France next year?

Any other ideas?

Thanks in advance.


'U' turns are us! :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:

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Kind of missed this years Blats so far, naughty boy. Hope the next one is when I am free. As for where to go I'm not fussy. You seem to be keeping the Essex Boys happy so carry on as you are doing. Funny you mentioned France, I was thinking of w/e there with a trackday at La Croix De Ternois.

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Carry on doing what you have done so far, we have enjoyed all of them. It's just great getting out driving and meeting up with everyone. :d

France, bring it on, allways up for an adventure. :yes:

We haven't got the itn/google maps thing, we just follow the Essex Blat Planner. If he takes a wrong turning :blush:.We take a wrong turning. :blush:

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not commenting on your length :laugh:

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Blats have all been great so far, its good that you are able to arrange the sunshine :cool:

Routes - slightly less gravel and grass on the road wouldn't be a bad thing. Everything else has been very enjoyable, thanks to you for all the time and effort it has taken to organise these events. :t-up:

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All have been great. I do note that there are always a lot of interesting motoring / transport related happenings in the Essex area as we keep seeing stuff on the roads. Example, last blat there was that classic car show on Matching Green and the bus show at North Weald. Perhaps if there is other stuff going on we could make one of these events a destination or pit stop...?

Also like the quick left right junctions on route as I like the smell of tyre smoke :p

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Only been on one of the three but that was great, and the others looked like great routes as well.

I'm happy with the length of the route and the start times (although an extra half hour in the morning wouldn't go amiss :) )

I mentioned at the last Monthly Meet about maybe the odd evening outing if we could get enough support? I'd certainly be up for it one mid week after work. I could get to The Lodge for 6pm onwards.

As for the French trip, I'm interested in principal but might struggle to get a weekend away (or were you looking at a day trip?) would also depend on cost.

Your doing a great job though Pete, thanks!

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The current format is working very well for me.

Length is good (no sniggering at the back please :d ) I can complete a run on a full tank of fuel so it's all good for me :t-up:

Weekends are also best for me either saturday or sunday, not really too bothered. The only thought I was having was maybe combine some of the runs with the monthly meet and/or vary the start finsih location. So for example we start the run in the north of the area, blat for 3 hours then finish at the Lodge for some lunch before dispursing for home?

Plenty of tea and toilet breaks, particularly in the cold weather get my vote.

I'm a lover of a good B-road, the white ones I'm happy to leave as my sump isn't a fan of grass growing in the centre of the road :d

I never watched ITN, was always more of a fan of the BBC news :oops: now I can work my sat-nav though I can finally see where I'm going and where you should be going! :d :d

Other ideas... Since we're so close to the smoke I'd be thinking about a possible early morning sight seeing trip of London? Something along the lines of a gentle blat along the embankment, past the tower of london and parlament square, then horseguards, up the mall to the Palace :oops: It could maybe even be combined with joining the Cambs area run to Brooklands?

As for Andy's idea of also attending a local car show there's still a few on near me that I can think of....

29/30 July - West Bergholt Historic Vehicle Rally - Only 5 minutes up the road from me and I've never yet been to it :oops:

27th Aug - Lavenham Rare Breads Motor Show - I was at this one last year and felt quite out of place in my Westfield with the exquisite collection of rare cars that was on display that day.

5th Aug - Helmingham Hall Festival of Classics - A great day out and a good one for our partners too. I've got an entry in for this one again so will be there for my third year running.

2nd Sept - Hedingham Castle Classic Porsches

9th Sept - Hedingham Castle Classic and Vintage Car Show

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The routes have all looked good to me, even though I've only passengered one and played catch up for another. My only complaint would be that they seem to happen the morning after I've been compelled to have a late, boozy night :down::d

I'd certainly be up for a cheeky evening blat, although I think it will need to be later than 6 to avoid the home time traffic.

A french trip sounds like great fun to me too, as long as I get a bit of notice as I have to book some weekends as annual leave.

If you need some inspiration for a run out then I know some good essex tarmac that hasn't featured yet, although I don't have access to ITN to be able to devise the route plan.


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Thanks for the feedback, have a couple of ideas so keep an eye out. ;) ;)

Ben - you can download TYRE (Trace your route everywhere) onto your computer and use that to create an ITN file, which you can send to me.

For a France trip I will thinking of heading out early Saturday, a days blatting with a stop over night and then heading back after lunch on Sunday. Based on the French road rally, costs would be as follows:

Petrol £100 (Approx 500miles @ 30mpg)

Crossing £70

Breakdown cover £35

Hotel £40 per room

Plus whatever you want to spend on food and drink.

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Kind of missed this years Blats so far, naughty boy. Hope the next one is when I am free. As for where to go I'm not fussy. You seem to be keeping the Essex Boys happy so carry on as you are doing. Funny you mentioned France, I was thinking of w/e there with a trackday at La Croix De Ternois.

Bearnie, there's a trip to Abberville for a Lotus on Track track day being organised over on SKCC for 3rd November.

Smokey - London trip sounds good but may be best to do this after the Olympics are finished - unless we can use the Olympic VIP lanes :oops: :oops:

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Smokey - London trip sounds good but may be best to do this after the Olympics are finished - unless we can use the Olympic VIP lanes :oops: :oops:

Totally agree :t-up:

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