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my oldman was involved in a pursuit once chasing some nobhead thru villages past schools and such at stupid speeds! the d*** bailed car on a roundabout, legged it, jumped in teh river taht was rather high at the time, and promptly needed rescuing from said river and was treated on scene for hypothermia... still dont understand why he was helped out the water, but what you gonna do?!

fingers crossed your mums belongings turn up steve, no doubt they have safe places for these stolen items, and am sure they will find them in due course, a coupel snapped fingers would soon reveil a lot, shame we dont live in such a society aye :down: hope the man hugs made it to ya :)

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cheers wuv

we are unearthing more links with the burgerley and the traveling comunity scum that used to live in the house next door so it seems ,it f***** stinks tbh

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Always does mate, such people are above the law most of time it seems, cause despite the disgusting way in which they lead their lives, having spent their entire lives living so, tips passed down through generations, there actually pretty clever at gettin gaway with things, but the old phrase of "it will always catch up with you one day and when it does itll kick you in the A***!" will hopefully pay dividence this time :) fingers crossed :)

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