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had a call today while at work off my mother asking could i get to her house quickly as the police were there and she was out ,they had rang her asking if she could come home

i got there within 6 mins to find a police officer on the drive ,it turns out she has been burgled my heart sank this is all she needs after the fire last year

she has two big dogs which they had locked in the front room and used a pool que to hit them and get them in there ,they had tried the front door but gone through the rear window (smashed)after trying the rear door

the house was trashed every single draw on the floor and empty ,the house was full of boxed things from her sisters house who died the other year ,they had been through it all ,she had a few gold watches ,chains, and a selection of rings ,soveriegns etc all these were extremely valuable and had been passed down through the family and then were to be passed onto me then my son .her engagment ring etc etc which have all been stolen inc lots of other things luckily a passer by had reported a car on the drive and took the reg (registered owner down south) so probably on false plates with two lads loading it and another sat in the drivers seat .the police said they had done a house in warrington and while he was there said they had just done a house in crewe and then another call came in a while later the same car had done another in newcastle (stoke) ,the officer said they were picking the car up on anpr but assured me they would do there best and pull every silver focus st they saw as they may change plates ,csi came and so did cid to take a list of everything missing , i left to go back to work to lock up

then my mother rang to say the officer who dealt with it had rang to say they had arrested thieving scum nunneys in warrington ,so hopefully she will get her belongings back

my mother is not rich and does not live a extravigant lifestyle or anything infact she has very little ,i help her with money (put a little cash in her pocket)and buy her a new car every couple of years ,i have to force everything on here and just turn up with a new car and just take her's away or she would drive round in a pile of crap ,at the end of the day she does enough for me and she's me mam .my son thinks the world of her

she would do anything for anyone and her heart is definatly in the right place ,she is the salt of the earth,why does it allways happen to the nice folk

i hope the police give me five minutes with the thieving scum b*******s i'll cut there balls off and feed em to them, drill there knee caps and stick a fire extinguisher up there ars's

anyway big thanks to the police ,top work top result :yes: makes a change from the usual fed bashing on here

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As you say - thieving scum. I hope she gets her stuff back.

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Sorry to hear Steve , we all love Mums , whosever they are and as you say salt of the earth, hope she doesnt let it get to her too much .

meanwhile "they" get a smacked hand for being naugthy boys and a suspended sentence

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Good news out of the bad Steve. Fingers crossed for the stuff, though even if they've recovered it, it may be a while before you get it back again, at least you'd know you were going to get it back.

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Hope you get a positive outcome...... Bit of hard labour for the scum bags, may think twice about causing so much hardship for people. :angry:

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Real sorry to hear that Steve and my heart goes out to your mum. Hopefully she will get her things back and the :arse: holes will get whats coming to them. :down:

Keep an eye on her as she will probably feel very insecure at home for a while. :t-up:

Find out when they go to court , remember their faces and if they ever cross your path kick the living s*it out of the lowlife scum

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Let me know when we can have 5 minutes with them !

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Real sorry to hear that Steve and my heart goes out to your mum. Hopefully she will get her things back and the :arse: holes will get whats coming to them. :down:

Keep an eye on her as she will probably feel very insecure at home for a while. :t-up:

Find out when they go to court , remember their faces and if they ever cross your path kick the living s*it out of the lowlife scum

my sister is staying with her tonight or i would be there , i will doing everything i can to get things back to normal for her ,new window and door locks etc are being sorted tomorrow

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Sorry to hear that Steve these pond life are scum of the earth! You would think 2 big dogs would be a deterrent!? I hope what goes around soon comes around to them!

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happy to hear she is atleast unharmed bigman, likewise that the ****s have been caught, the law has done you proud there, heres to hoping the justice system can get it right this time! as said, remembering faces and names cant be a bad thing! feel for ya fella, you dont ever seem to get the long straw in life! man hugs on theire way to you wuv :love:

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She's not had much luck lately, has she Steve.

Give her a big hug from all of us.

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Give your Mam a big hello and a friendly hug from all of us Steve. Keep yer chin up lad there are some good people in this crazy world, look in the mirror... all the best from me and the missus. Steve

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she would do anything for anyone and her heart is definatly in the right place ,she is the salt of the earth,

Just like the big fella himself. (SteveD)

It's nice to get a result for the good people :yes:

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Just plain awful for everyone, even though the scum was caught. I hope everything gets recovered and repaired quickly. Very distressing when it happens, at least she wasn't there at the time. How are the dogs?

We got done ten years ago at 4 AM while we were asleep, took us a week to sleep properly again. Now we set the alarm every night when we go to bed. Sad, really. Maybe installing an alarm would reassure her?

Best wishes to her for a good outcome. :)

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