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Norman Verona

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Sunday: I walked through the lounge and as I walked past the big window I heard a "plop". I turned and, there on the floor, laying on its back was a small bird. It must have been hanging on to the top of the window blind (bamboo type). I picked it up and took it outside. It didn't have long to live. It must have been in the lounge for a while as it had crapped all over my expensive volume 1 of "The second world war"

Monday: Walking through the lounge (again!) I noticed a large splodge on the floor. Closer inspection revealed a very large wasp. So large I couldn't decide if it was a wasp or a hornet. It was a wasp and was duly thrown out.

Tuesday: We are both sitting in the day room watching a recording of a programme when HMs attention is diverted to the lounge (yet again!). She is staring into the lounge. I ask what she's looking at and she says "what's that". I get up and walk to the lounge door whereupon i spy a mouse. Yes a mouse. I approach it suspecting it will run but it's just sitting there. I remove it to the outside. I suspect it's had a dose of HMs mouse poison. She has to use this as we no longer have a cat in house. Not that the cat caught them, it just looked at them and walked away.

So what's going to die today.

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Small, very small, small, so must be very small that dies today.

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The bloke who nicked my power tools if i catch him. :devil:

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The bloke who nicked my power tools if i catch him. :devil:

Likelihood is it's someone in your neighbourhood who lives within line of sight. Since putting the tools in the night before is something you don't normally do, someone probably watched you do it.

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tyson, you have my sympathy - we lost all our chainsaws in January this year - thieving sc*m :-( hope you get it replaced/sorted soon or catch the bleeders>>>

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NORM,,,,,,,,,,,,,Stepaway from anything that looks like a power tool! !!!!!!!!!! Find a quiet corner and read a book for a week.

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I have been. And watching tennis.

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So what's going to die today.

Anything yet...

We must know :oops:

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No, only a few batteries :)

(I answered Stu as you posted)

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As long as they are not ones in a pacemaker, thats okay...

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Norman, you reminded me of when we came over to our old house in Estry, Normandy,

To find a dead crow in the living room, It had fell down the chimney, Crapped everywhere, and it had tried to live on the polystyrene coving around the top of the wall/cealing leaving Bl**dy great holes!

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We've had bats flying around the bedroom (twice), the owl that used to live in the loft (now our bedroom) came to see us one night. That's apart from several smaller birds flying around the house. Frogs, toads & lizards in the kitchen as well as dozens of mice.

In the pond we have a family of Coypu and a snake. It's a black snake and it will be venomous. We leave it alone and he reciprocates.

Then we get visits from a family of deer.

Alas all our ducks packed there bags and left. Well you would when a fox attacks you.

The owl is still around and if we come home late at night it guides us down the drive.

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Unfortunately Eric Sykes died today, God bless him.

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Must start a zoo then Norm or plan building an Arc or a taxidermy display.

Bob :d

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Yes, saw that.

But he wasn't in my lounge - I looked

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