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You Know You're Old When...

Captain Colonial

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...your grandson passes his driving test.

To be fair, he did it first time, only four minor points (out of 15 allowed), so he done good. :t-up:

But it don't half make you feel old. :down:

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When you have to stop work because of a bad back. :)

Give him our congratulations, well done.

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when you remember..................

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When you just opened the letter you were about to post :blush:

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When you get to the top of the stairs, stop, ponder and come down again only to remember you went up to have a pee.

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Two elderly couples go out for their annual dinner.

Fred turns to Norman and asks where they went for their holiday. Norman thinks and says "hang on, it'll come to me". "it's er, oh, it's on the tip of my tongue".

"It's a flower, got petals and is red."

Fred says "a rose"

"that's it, a rose. Rose, where did we go on our holiday"

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When you remember changing your Suzuki gt185 for an Yamaha RD250

Class! Bet you wish you still had it? I avoided a Fizzy and started on a RD50, used to strip the engine in the kitchen, my mum was far more easiy going than the Mrs!


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Thats funny, I could have sworn I posted on this thread.....................but I can't remember for the life of me what I said!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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When you have to stop work because of a bad back. :)

Give him our congratulations, well done.

oh cr*p :( and I'm half your age! :down:

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