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Things We Were Taught As Children

Norman Verona

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"Sonny, stop doing that or you'll go blind!"

"Mummy, mummy, can't I please do it just until I need glasses?" :p

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Mummy, mummy, can I please lick the bowl?

No, pull the flush like everyone else.

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That if I cheeked the local bobby he'd clip me round the ear - and if I ran home and told my Dad then he'd give me a right good hiding.

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That if I cheeked the local bobby he'd clip me round the ear - and if I ran home and told my Dad then he'd give me a right good hiding.

same here. My Dad had a huge leather strap for the deed. I was always in trouble (some things just don't change, do they?) Several times I was taken to the local station for a bit of a frightener. Didn't really work as I was up to the same the next day. Nothing really serious, mostly entering bomb damaged buildings and throwing stones at the windows.

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Where to start . . .

times tables . . . how to tie shoe laces and a tie . . . spelling . . . telling the time from a clock with a dial . . . long division . . . hand lost property in at the police station (I got a fiver back once -- after three months) . . . write "thank-you-letters" (forgotten that now, though) . . . . sportsmanship is even more important than winning . . . it goes on.


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"don't get a girl into trouble"... try as hard as I could I didn't manage it :laugh:

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If you are ever in the scales of justice (local paper court snippets) for urinating in a public place, we will disown you

I thought they were taking the pee, but always have a slasher before I leave the local...

I'll get my coat, else I won't feel the benefit when I go outside...


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And dont forget son , If your not in bed for 9 p.m. you might as well come home :)

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Eat your vegetables!

Bread crust will put hairs on your chest!

And later in life - never ever put ice in malt whiskey!!

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Always put on clean underwear in case you are in an accident

Do a fair days work for a fair days pay

Even if you just become a road sweeper, make sure the streets you do are the cleanest

Treat everyone as you would like to be treated

Never get in to debt, save up and then buy what you need not what you want.

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. . telling the time from a clock with a dial . . .

We got taught how to tell it was 9 o-clock, after then it was fair game to wake the parents, heaven forbid making too much noise before then!

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