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Got Pulled By The Old Bill Today....


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"But we don't have infinite money and resources to throw at a stolen bike. With the current cutbacks and the police protesting, image is everything. We see police stopping for a chat about a car or having an ice cream in the park and the public start to think they must have plenty of time and money. What are they complaining about? There's plenty of slack in the system.

We all know it's about building relationships, putting faces to cars, building up a rapport, softly softly catchy monkey, but some of us will inveitably think they are wasting time, money and resources."

Complete disagree. For one, I doubt that all crimes will be solved even if there is infinite money etc. It is a business that has always been around and always will be. The 'Police' will never go out of business and Crime will never ever stop.

Two, Im sure that the Policemen who eat ice cream and stop to have a chat about a car they like are entitled to do so, considering for all we know they could have been scooping up a dead bodies internal organs that morning or cutting down a dead person who had hung himself the night before or fighting with someone armed with a 10" knife. I think they deserve 10 minutes in a 9 hours shift to do some of the policing work that is very rarely done these days.

Im sure (what ever line of work you are in Diddy...sorry Dibby) that you do not go to work to start at 8 oclock and work solidly for 8 or 9 hours until 5 oclock. Im sure you have a 10 minute break to get a cuppa or go for a nice long poo for 15 minutes. This is all an example by the way, I wouldn't want to start accusing you of having a tea break.

Why shouldn't the police be allowed to do that also? And please please don't use the line we have all heard before "WE PAY THEIR WAGES"

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that Ferrari is stunning :cool:

There was some other nice bits and pieces there that day too!





Jo Macari's personal ride...a £40,000 motorbike!


By the way, the cops that wanted 'a word' were thoroughly nice guys and definitely petrol heads, they had no intention of looking over my car in a 'I really want to nick you' way! :)

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err they didn't actually pull him over and its far better to have a friendly action than a confrontational one. When I have spoken to the police about my car in the past its part of community policing. They now know the owner and know he is a reasonable chap etc.

I often feel police get a bad name and this kind of action is actually helping to make them more approachable and better policing. Good for them.

How you going to feel when the tone changes and you get nicked for something silly.

Personally i think its a double edged sword stopping people like this, and not a good idea.

What i will say is that if they want to switch off police mode and really talk about the car then thats ok with me.

Just my opinion and BTW i am not a police hater before i get accused of it again :laugh:.


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Kirkyboy, no one said (well I didn't) that ALL crimes could be solved.

No one said (well I didn't) that serving officers shouldn't have a break.

I worked very closely with the Police for 11 years. The biggest problem facing the Chief Constable is the amount of operational time he gets out of an officer. Main culprit is training. The government legislation has slowed a bit but officers still need a lot of training for the new stuff that comes through.

All the traffic officers I knew were "petrolheads", that's why they were doing a job that entailed driving a car or bike all day/night long.

Just for clarification LB didn't say he was pulled over. I think (haven't looked) that he pulled into his drive and they then drove up and got out of the car. So he wasn't "stopped"

here you go:

So, out on a blatt today.....**** me my car's fast.....anyway....got home and pulled into the drive. Got out, turned around to see a police car parked across my drive. They shouted something that I couldn't hear at first. I thought they were going to give me a 'telling off' for giving it 'the beans' on the way up the hill to my house....but....'we just stopped to admire your car!'
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I'm wondering if it's any different to me getting up from my desk and getting a starbucks/costa. Or a smoker popping out for a cigarette.

Or indeed any of us browsing this forum while at work? Those lucky enough to be able to do so of course!

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Most of the police I have met have been fine and I for one am happy for them to have a chat with me or anyone. It is the aloof attitude from some that winds people up and yet when they do "nice" that to is wrong. We used to have bobbies who were part of the community and had respect from others as they took time to pass the time of day with people. I got annoyed when I have been caught speeding in the past, even when they congratulated me on my lane discipline and standard of driving, even though I missed the unmarked car, but that is their job.

I find it hard to complain about the police when the job they do now is thankless and not backed up by many in the community and certainly not by the judicial system

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How you going to feel when the tone changes and you get nicked for something silly.

Personally i think its a double edged sword stopping people like this, and not a good idea.

What i will say is that if they want to switch off police mode and really talk about the car then thats ok with me.

Just my opinion and BTW i am not a police hater before i get accused of it again :laugh:.


Not accusing you of being a police hater :laugh: Just thought I'd say that this kind of police work has a real place esp considering the majority of crimes are solved with the general public helping the police, spending 10 mins having a friendly chat with a car enthusiast helps build that relationship, and lets be honest the police get accused of being the motorists enemy enough. If they had nicked him for something silly then yes that would have been poor police work but you get "rotten eggs" in all lines of work. My experience is that the majority of policemen/women wont nick you for something silly unless you give them grief back.

Just my 2p


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Never said you did :d

There is a world of difference between stopping someone for a chat about a car because they are a car nut and stopping someone under the guise of being a car nut in order to run an eye over the car looking for a nick.

I just think it would create further distrust between the public and the police which as far as i understand is at an all time low.

Just my 2p as well and if we keep at it we might save up a quid :laugh: :laugh:


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Intercepted in leyburn, north Yorkshire

2 x R1's, 1xducati, 2x gsxrs

Local police biker - who's is the Gsxr with dodgy plate and no exhaust ?

My mate : Mine, style is everything, I don't care, do me for my dark visor as well if u like

Police biker : ok no problem 2xfines, bike on database for 12 months looking for repeat offences

All others got off Scott free

Team spirit, we all had small plates, loud exhausts, and some ramblings that he'd been chasing a group of lunatics for 10 miles but was unable to catch them, this we all know nothing about...


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Never said you did :d

There is a world of difference between stopping someone for a chat about a car because they are a car nut and stopping someone under the guise of being a car nut in order to run an eye over the car looking for a nick.

very true

I just think it would create further distrust between the public and the police which as far as i understand is at an all time low.

Fair enough

Just my 2p as well and if we keep at it we might save up a quid :laugh: :laugh:


Very true. I could do with the money :d


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Made me smile! I think it's a rather refreshing change. I got pulled over by Mr Plod years and years ago when riding my Laverda Jota - the Hyabusa of it's day - and thought I was in for a ticket. Turned out they just wanted a nosey as they were quite rare bikes then and I was rather chuffed that I was riding something that interesting.

I thought those days had gone, but there's still some decent coppers out there. I understand the tax payer/vfm angle but for me, it's nice to know there are still some with a human side rather than box-tickers. :)

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Talking to the public no matter what the context (Prosecuting/ticket/advice or just being friendly) is the role of a Police Officer - so they were doing what they get paid for.

A Police Officer's time can not be evaluated - by their presence they may be preventing a crime happening - who knows?

By talking to a member of the public and building a 'relationship' using a 'common denominator' you may change the attitude of that person so they are more likely to act as a witness in the future - who knows?

So 'having a friendly chat' isn't 'skiving' or wasting the Tax payers money - it is what they are paid to do.

Long before it was the norm that Officers patrolled in vehicles, the foot patrol officer spent most of his time just having friendly chats with his community and found out so much information from it - sadly those days have gone and the Police/community is a lot worse off for it.

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Too true Nikpro. Just because they enforce the law doesnt make them the enemy.Only those who do wrong will have that opinion.

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Too true Nikpro. Just because they enforce the law doesnt make them the enemy.Only those who do wrong will have that opinion.

Absolutely, hit the nail on the head John.

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I'm not sure criminals see the Police as enemas.

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