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Got Pulled By The Old Bill Today....


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Maybe they should :d

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it was sometime in the 70's I'm enjoying a spirited drive home down country lanes , its late , around 2AM .

I arrive outside the family home followed by Zcars in his Anglia who had been parked up just outside the village and had followed me .

He approaches my car , I wind down the window.

Good evening officer .

What's all the two wheels round corners stuff .

who me ?

Yes YOU, I heard you coming 1/2 a mile away

Ah you must mean that bend i missjuged back there .

I see , where do you live

Here , pointing to my house

How long have you lived there

about 5 years

5 years and you dont know that bend , pull the other one its got bells on .

Are you the owner of the car .

No its a company car .

I see and do you have permission to drive it at night ( 2 am )

Yes i do

OK I want to see your licence and log book and what is that you have in the back ?

Its a Bass Fiddle

Bass Fiddle , (in a much lighter tone ) I play bass guitar

You do !

Always fancied a go on one of those what are they like to play

Why not try it out

Dont mind if I do

There followed an impromtu musical interlude , I demonstrated with Big noise from Winetka , air on G string etc .

he had a "Go" we said our goodbye's , he went to leave , the Anglia wouldnt start , he asked me for a push start .

I heaved a sigh of relief and off to bed :t-up:

Often wonder what the outcome would have been today given the same circumstances :oops:

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You'd have played:

"Where have you Been?" by Rihanna

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You'd have played:

"Where have you Been?" by Rihanna

New keyboard please :laugh:

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Talking to the public no matter what the context (Prosecuting/ticket/advice or just being friendly) is the role of a Police Officer - so they were doing what they get paid for.

A Police Officer's time can not be evaluated - by their presence they may be preventing a crime happening - who knows?

By talking to a member of the public and building a 'relationship' using a 'common denominator' you may change the attitude of that person so they are more likely to act as a witness in the future - who knows?

So 'having a friendly chat' isn't 'skiving' or wasting the Tax payers money - it is what they are paid to do.

Long before it was the norm that Officers patrolled in vehicles, the foot patrol officer spent most of his time just having friendly chats with his community and found out so much information from it - sadly those days have gone and the Police/community is a lot worse off for it.

also this is on the money

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Talking to the public no matter what the context (Prosecuting/ticket/advice or just being friendly) is the role of a Police Officer - so they were doing what they get paid for.

A Police Officer's time can not be evaluated - by their presence they may be preventing a crime happening - who knows?

By talking to a member of the public and building a 'relationship' using a 'common denominator' you may change the attitude of that person so they are more likely to act as a witness in the future - who knows?

So 'having a friendly chat' isn't 'skiving' or wasting the Tax payers money - it is what they are paid to do.

Long before it was the norm that Officers patrolled in vehicles, the foot patrol officer spent most of his time just having friendly chats with his community and found out so much information from it - sadly those days have gone and the Police/community is a lot worse off for it.

ding f***** ding to that wuv well said

all the police haters usually have summat to hide or have done summat wrong but are not man enough to admittt it or just plain dont like authority

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Four pages in and no one has gone for the obvious joke yet, which is...

...and you've ever had your old bill pulled, you'll know how painful that can be. :d

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no but im gona ring the turkeys neck on a feds bed friday night , and can i just add (while he's not there) :yes: and send him pics

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Oh dear God, I think I've actually got a bit of sick in my mouth :o

I don't think the Captain's brain bleach'll be strong enough this time




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just wait for the pics wuv

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And to think, he was only worrying about his shower till now.


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You know its going to happen, can't wait - barph.

Bob :d

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live streaming from aintree friday night :yes:

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Please...don't say "streaming"...

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