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Track Days...now I Know I'm Slow!


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I remember not so many years ago McLaren staged a demonstration at Silverstone involving a baby (A series) Mercedes, a high performance production Mercedes, and David Coultard in the F1 car. Think it was for one of the TV motoring programmes. The A series was allowed about 2/3rds of a lap head start, the high performance car about 1/3 of a lap, at which point they got Coultard buckled in and started up. By the time he completed his first, standing start, lap, he'd overtaken both the other cars and they were driven by professional racing drivers! Hard to imagine that sort of performance.

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I've seen the first clip before, interesting, but nothing unexpected. It was the casually refered too difference between the eighties car and a modern one that amazed me! Obviously, you know they're faster, but I honestly had never realised the gap was so huge!

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