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Renewing Membership Problems


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I've tried a few times over the last month to renew my membership and am getting no further on. Initaly I had an email telling me I had an invoice (2103) but I could not find it or complete it when I logged in. The link in the email wouldn't work.

I've now had another email (again the link doesn't work) telling me no payment has been recieved and I should login to submit payment. When I log in I can see the invoice (but only in expired) but I can find no way to pay it. It does say my membership is still valid until 27th June. When I click on the one that is expired it says I have a pending invoice associated with it, so I click on that and then nothing again.

What do I do to pay the invoice? Or can I just send a cheque?


(membership No 14249)

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I'd contact that good for nothing Membership Sec and get him to sort it out :laugh:

seriously, PM Scott and he'll get it fixed... :yes:

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Sorted! :t-up:

PS: I agree with Peter :laugh:

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