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Wow, Thats One Expensive '7'


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Play nicely and stick to the subject, or someone much bigger, uglier and more powerful than me will arrive and make his views clear - you know what and who I mean.

Thanks. :)

shreck :oops:

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You're psychic wuv :d

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It has been nessasary to un-approve a number of posts on this thread.

The posts have not been deleted but hidden.

This has been done to protect the interests of the WSCC and ensure that ultimatly there is a WSCC to belong to in the future.

This has been done without prejudice to those members who's posts have been moderated.

Play nice ;)


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You're psychic wuv :d

did you know shreck has two dacshu, dascu, dash, dasc, oh dangler two small sawn off doberman type dogs :laugh:

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someone much bigger, uglier and more powerful than me will arrive and make his views clear :)

And he is very definately watching! Argue about the relevant costs of things at your will - but we cannot (and will not) bring the club into disrepute over an issue which is yet to be resolved - as per a conversation had on Sunday.........

Oh - and by the way, the small angry one spent nearly £4k on an Omega Seamaster Aqua Terra for my 50th a few years ago - it is useless at telling the time as it keeps stopping if you don't put it on the electric winder overnight. Still love it (and her) to pieces though.

The price of an item is not directly related to the cost. The true meaning of the item is in its' value - that has no price limit.

As has been said - can we please play nicely now.

I (and my fellow mods) will continue to take a close interest in this thread - pleeeeeeease don't have us (have to) pull it.

Many thanks - teddies back out of the pram to throw around now chaps.

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b*******, I've been out, and it looks like I've missed the fun?? :down: :down: :cry: :cry:

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People will always have their views but to sum up there will always be those who will pay a sum they are happy with to get what they want. We must also remember that whilst those buying these toys may have a lot of money, they ultimatly employ people. I don't know how many Caterham employ directly but also indirectly in advertising etc. I was discussing the woman who had just had a yatch built in Scotland for around £15 million, the guy who i was with said it was disgusting, the shipworkers who she had employed for three years did not think so.

What value an item has is what the market says. Why else would cows stuck in plastic make Damian Hurst a multi milionaire? I would like to see all CAterhams increase in value as that will drag our values up as well.

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As I've probably spent as much as that over the 20 years I've owned my Caterham should I take offence at being called "stupid".

*** me, you've got to be completely stupid to spend that kind of money on a Caterham

and, no thanks, I wouldn't want to make love to you even if your were the only option.

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You wouldn't believe how stupid I can get.

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Norman, don't make me bite my tongue on the day all the quacks are on strike.

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What's that got to do with ducks?

Oh, go on then, stop biting your tongue.

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Guest Freerange7

I think it is a case of you want a Caterham, you want a Caterham, there will always be alternatives for the same money.

As said someone will buy it and yes they may lose money over the first 2 years but how does this compare to the many executive cars that are sold and lose vast amounts over the first year far outweighing the loss on the 7.

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