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Wow, Thats One Expensive '7'


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If someone offered you 60K for your car, would you say no sorry mate thats too much. goodness me here we go again, someone has asked a price for a car, if its the wrong price, it wont sell, simples. If it does then its a boost for the marque, and probs Jeffs fututre profit margins:)

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Quite apart from anything else, I'd be asking for a new bonnet with the cut for the airbox being done properly this time. I think even I could have done it better...

Rory's Dad

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goodness me here we go again, someone has asked a price for a car, if its the wrong price, it wont sell, simples.

Ooooooh, get out of bed on the wrong side did we? ;)

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It proves to me that Westfields still are cheaper than a Caterham, comparing like with like. Dont think an R500 has much that my car doesn't have, and although my car has cost an aweful lot compared with what 98% on here will have paid it is still a lot less than an R500! And no I'm not going to say how much I've spent on mine, and have people calling me bonkers.

I had to larf though, when someone tries to compare the price of a 6 year old car with a brand new car!! Come on! My Volvo V50 diesel turbo sport would be what new? About £23 or 24 K I guess? How much now as a 6 year old car, £7k maybe if I'm lucky, I don't know. How does that compare? If nobody was in the market for new cars where would the second hand cars come from? If ther is a market for new cars, then what is wrong with someone wanting a new Caterham? I just dont see why we have to call everbody who spends more than we do on our car an idiot or something implying that. :bangshead:

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if the owner wants to ask that price then thats up to him/her , its not out of the ballpark considering the spec and you will skip the waiting list of six months

there are plenty of people who have the money to buy that as a toy and good luck to them

what i dont get are these sort of threads ,its there car to sell its up to them ,i wish them luck with it ,what the chuff has it to do with anybody else

when i put my exige up for 30k am i going to have the same thread dedicated to that :)

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what i dont get are these sort of threads ,its there car to sell its up to them ,i wish them luck with it ,what the chuff has it to do with anybody else

Nail ... on .... head.

After all, if I won the lottery I'd probably go for a wanlk round the Aston Martin factory, for the money I could have something a lot faster, more economical and lighter, you'd get more toys in a Merc, better reliability from a BMW ... the list goes on. So why would anyone ever buy an Aston? They have that certain something that appeals and if it was my money I wouldn't give two hoots about what people think of the way I spend it.

Sure, you could easily build a faster Westie for less money, but someone with 50k+ to spunk on a toy car doesn't want a Westfield badge. They want a Caterham badge, and a full Stig suit to go with it. And it's their money to do as they want.

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if the owner wants to ask that price then thats up to him/her , its not out of the ballpark considering the spec and you will skip the waiting list of six months

there are plenty of people who have the money to buy that as a toy and good luck to them

what i dont get are these sort of threads ,its there car to sell its up to them ,i wish them luck with it ,what the chuff has it to do with anybody else

when i put my exige up for 30k am i going to have the same thread dedicated to that :)

Don't see any issues with threads like this (unless the boardroom rules have changed to stop this type of thread or ones that steved doesn't like ;-) ). If we only commented on things that had something to do with us this section would be very empty.

Maybe try using the ignore button if you would rather not see them :-).

Also for the work and finish (i'm going by pictures and comments of fellow members) your cars look to be very good value for money and I was lusting after that orange s1 elise you did.

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Don't see any issues with threads like this (unless the boardroom rules have changed to stop this type of thread or ones that steved doesn't like ;-) ). If we only commented on things that had something to do with us this section would be very empty.

Maybe try using the ignore button if you would rather not see them :-).

Also for the work and finish (i'm going by pictures and comments of fellow members) your cars look to be very good value for money and I was lusting after that orange s1 elise you did.

its nowt to do with me not liking threads (thats down to the moderators) i really dont care that much tbh ,it just makes me chuckle

if it was your car being trolled over you wouldnt like it wuv , its upto the owner to ask what he wants , its not overpriced its priced to recoup as much money as they can without being silly about it , people should do some homework on pricing that spec of caterham before starting a thread like this ,as i said before its not overpriced and you skip the waiting list

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All I said was its an expensive '7' and 'jokingly' you'd have to be stupid to spend that sort of money on a Caterham. What do I get? People saying that the thread is pointless and people shouldnt tell people what to do with their money. Well it IS a lot to pay for a '7' and no I dont care what people do with their money, I just wondered what 'sort' of person would buy one?

It's comments like some that I've heard on here that prove to me why I didnt join the WSCC. I can honestly say that I've never come across a bunch of grumpy old f*****s than 'some' of the people on here! I have met some charming people from this website but really, some of you need to take a chill pill.

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I think rather than assuming the worlds against you, it might perhaps be worth rereadng your posts from a different point of view...

I agree with you, it's a lot of money! But an awfull lot of people completely missed the point, that when you were calling owners and prospective owners stupid, you were joking! When that many people don't understand you, it may not be entirely them that's at issue.

Then again, did you seriously not expect a response?

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Im sorry if people missed the point, if people want a £50k Caterham or even a £100k Caterham (Levante) go for it, I was just assuming that most people on here would think that £50k + was a ridiculous amount of money for a car that wasnt far from the one they had sat in their garage at home. If I have offended anyone then I'm sorry.

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Yeah, it's a lot of money to me and you, but to some people in the world, 50k is pocket money. Look at the sort of one off collectible pieces costing millions that will never be driven.

... I just wondered what 'sort' of person would buy one?...

You probably won't find any of them here at a Westfield fan club ... try asking the same question over at the Caterham club

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£50k + was a ridiculous amount of money for a car that wasnt far from the one they had sat in their garage at home.

by that token all BMW owners with a 316 1 Series would think a BMW M3 CSL was a ridiculous amount of money as it's not that far from their one...

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try asking the same question over at the Caterham club

I don't think there's that many over there either :suspect::d

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