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Curborough Charity Autojumble - Thank You


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A big thank you to all those of you who donated items or bought them over the weekend .We raised, I think, £70 from the autojumble and I am now in the process of putting some of the parts on Ebay (which i'll do over the next couple of weeks) and should raise a lot more than we did on the day.

I don't know the figures for cakes etc as I only eat them, but I think they went well and tasted good . The wine saver corkscrew I won on the day will,.. er.. be very useful

All money is going to the Lung foundation ,the Derby 7 Notts area charity for this year,

thanks again & sorry it was so wet .

If you want to follow a few items I'm "ashbyflyer" on Ebay.


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