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Oulton Park £99


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I could have gone, some dude of this forum is suposed to bringing me tyres tomorow as well. hehe

But i ve booked tickets for the special stage rally in cardiff instead :)

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:)  cool stuff mate :)

You’ll see the lovely mrs flap

Watch her she seems a little rampant this week, i found a milk man in the cellar, and the window cleaner tied up under the bed

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I mate she sounded a bit rampent on the phone the otherday. :p  :D  :D  :D

GOD knows what she will be like when she gets her hands on my RUBBER  :0  :love:  :devil:  :)  ;)

Andy :t-up::)

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Thanks Andy  :t-up:

There's only one place left now  :D  :D  :p  :t-up:

I'd checked the easytrack board a couple of days ago - and it said that event was full - guess they must have had some cancellations - their loss - my gain!


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Hope you have FUN, i would come down but going to watch City v Charlton (bound to get beat after stuffing United last week!;):D  :D  :D

I belive there is another one next week for £119.


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BU££ER... weather forcast is looking worse, and the roads are still damp even after a nice sunny morning - looks like I'll be a mobile chicane ??? for the 4WDs - 2WD on a slippy track isn't fun :0

Still one place left though  :durr:  :durr:

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I think the Avtar came from a picture taken last November.

I went down to Oulton a few weeks ago when the Cateringvan Graduates (does this mean they can sell chips as well as burgers?  :p  :arse: ) had a track day (would have driven myself it hadn't been wet) - and asked one of them why they were going so slow down the pit straight - and got the reply that you couldn't see a thing. I can understand this as I was being just as cautious last time I went in the wet - as in the morning you are completely blind going up to the Shell hairpin if there was any spray about


Hmm... I wonder if anybody would notice if I drove in a wetsuit? :D  ;) - would be nice and windproof too  :sheep:

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Friday night was nice and dry - got up Saturday, and it was foggy, drove down to Oulton - visibility was about 150-200 metres, and it started to spit with rain just as I arrived.

In the breifing they said it was too foggy - and would not start the day until 11am (1 1/2 hours late) - and it had strted too pour down  :( . On the up side though the rain was clearing the fog  ??? , and they started the day an hour or so late around 10:30.

Decided to wait a while before I started and gaffer the half of the toneau cover I'd left closed - to try and keep some of the water out. By about 11:15 the rain had eased a bit so I went out very cautiously, and yes it was very slippy, but was driveable  :) , so managed to get 2 sessions in before lunch.  :)  :)

After a shortened lunch the rain stopped, and the track was starting to dry - conditions were getting better  :D , and I got a much improved run - still driving 'by the seat of my (wet :arse: ) pants' - with the car twitching as I tested the limits of the grip.

Then ... just after finishing my first after lunch session I heard a massive screech  :0  cruch  :0  :0  bang  :0  :0  :0 - and dashed out to the pit wall to see (the remains of) a TVR nose into the pit wall, with debris and oil  :0  :0  all over the pit straight  :(  :(  :( . The driver & passenger walked away from it looking like a James Bond Martini (shaken but not stirred  ;) ).


After about 45 mins clean up - the organisers finally decided that it was unsafe to continue  :angry:  :angry: as the oil had gone right across the width of the track - so there was no 'clean line' - at 2:30 with the track drying out the day was over.

£99 not well spent!

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