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Is This Car Very Optimistically Priced?


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360bhp sounds pretty damn quick!! :love:

Over double what I've got! :laugh:

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Very, I paid a lot lot less for mine at peak of prices so obviously a few have come up cheaper since then.

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I know its way overpriced as a standard one can't be any more than 11k so it's a damn expensive turbo. How much do you guys think its worth? It's a q plate too!

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Worth what some one will offer and someone will pay. If the fella wants £25 large, then let him spend £10 on PH for our entertainment

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With that sort of power I think the first mod would be a braced roll bar :(

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I couldn't see how old it was, just the mileage?

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No year stated Stephen...

It seems crazy to spend probably £10-15k on an engine plus fit fancy stuff like Nitrons etc and leave the standard rollbar on it ???

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It's a late 90's registered car with a new chassis and new bodywork 2 years ago.

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It's a late 90's registered car with a new chassis and new bodywork 2 years ago.

Can it have a new chassis and still be the same car?

In my view - looks like a very bog-standard Megabusa with a good engine. The engine itself is maybe £8-£10K of work, but obviously now a "used" proposition so it maybe adds £4K value to the car. The car on its own was probably £10K max as it seems to have little spec (or at least we are told very little)...

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The engine looks like it's under the bonnet, rather than in the middle to me ???

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The engine looks like it's under the bonnet, rather than in the middle to me ???

I think he's just clicked the wrong button on the PH spec menu for that, or maybe he's trying to emphasise the fact that a bike engine in a Westfield does make it a front mid-engined car ;)

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I seem to remember the car being up for sale at half that price about a month ago, so maybe an optomist has bought it for a quick profit :d :d

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An Optomist

I like that - is that someone who can't see the real value of something ;-)

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