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Guess What's In My Hand?

Captain Colonial

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Go on... guess!

(This is like a SteveD thread, isn't it?) :laugh::t-up:

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I really dread to think :d

oh is it the new mag

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Spoil sport. :p Yes, it is - and a cracking read it is too! :t-up:

Well, apart from Page 1, where some dim-witted lunatic drones on and on... but the rest is fab! Thanks to those who contributed and Peter for a great issue! :yes:

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your **** thats your k n o b

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your **** thats your k n o b

Excelent mag then, with lots of "pictures" :p

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Yep, and a "pop-up" bit! :laugh:

Liked your contribution Andy! :yes:

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Ooooh looking forward to the pop up bit ;)

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Mine pops out as well as up.

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Not in public I hope :blush:

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I got 20 delivered today.

My old car was on the cover as well, which is more than I ever achieved with it......looked stunning and made me jealous for 30 seconds

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Go on... guess!

(This is like a SteveD thread, isn't it?) :laugh::t-up:

if this was steves threa we would have to know if he was in the shower or not first before we could hazard an answer..... :(

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Well done to all who contibuted :t-up: i'm looking forward to reading mine properly on the ferry to france tomorrow.

Can't believe i get a mention 5 times, my car appears 3 times and theres even a rather dubious picture of me :d

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You counted? Tart! :)

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You counted? Tart! :)

Yup :d

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