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Well, He's Put It Up For Sale! Start Saving.


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This is not really helping Polly.

Probably not, but it's not really a seller's market at the moment, is it? Plus if I'm being as honest as I'd like to think I am, he'd struggle to achieve that sale price in the best of economic times. It's an example of what is spent does not always equate to what it will realise at sale - anyone with grown-up children can vouch for that.

It would be better to crate it and send to the Middle East where mad rich boys would happily spend the cash in a heartbeat then selling it in Europe or breaking it for parts.

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Well, I can agree about the children bit :)

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I don't see how you can compare this car to an R500! Totally different kettle of fish. Yes, it will be hard to sell, but not because of the price but simply because the market for that type of car is tiny. If the seller can drop on someone seriously wanting that sort of straightline performance, then he has a potential buyer, and how do you get that sort of performance on 4 wheels at anything less than that price?

I was amused by the description of the difference between a Caterham and other kit cars. I wonder what donor car my Westfield is supposed to have been built from? The diff is reconditioned, because you cant buy new Sierra diffs, so does that make it a Sierra? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Whilst I'd agree, much though I wish it was otherwise, to some of the comments about top end Westfield pricing, I can't help thinking that the cars that Polly has built are just so outside the normal that there just isn't any comparison or common ground especially when it comes to cost.

I think Stephen has hit the nail on the head; it's got a really tiny market, and if prepared to wait for one of those buyers, he may well get his money. But it might take 2 weeks, or 2 years.

Scott's is an interesting point though, crating it up and shipping to "just another toy" land would be another approach.

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I don't see how you can compare this car to an R500

I wasn't really meaning to use the R500 as a direct compromise, just an illustration that at this price point there is some very strong competition for the cash which has some more desirable attributes. For me one of the best parts of a Westfield is the amount of performance you get for the price, I think this car falls out of this model and so simply won't sell at anywhere near this price.

It reminds me of a westie that was for sale maybe 3 to 4 years ago, which was a turbo'd something or other and at the time held some significant records for 0-60 and 1/4 mile etc and if I remember it was broken as it couldn't sell in its mid-20s asking point...and that was before the economy went to S***.

I agree with the option of shipping it out to the middle-east where someone will buy it purely for the bragging rights....

This isn't a slight on the car, it looks absolutely incredible, just my thoughts on the market....

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Was there a thread a couple of weeks ago when he talked about selling it ??

I seem to remember him suggesting a price of £25k or breaking it.

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I wasn't really meaning to use the R500 as a direct compromise, just an illustration that at this price point there is some very strong competition for the cash which has some more desirable attributes. For me one of the best parts of a Westfield is the amount of performance you get for the price, I think this car falls out of this model and so simply won't sell at anywhere near this price.

It reminds me of a westie that was for sale maybe 3 to 4 years ago, which was a turbo'd something or other and at the time held some significant records for 0-60 and 1/4 mile etc and if I remember it was broken as it couldn't sell in its mid-20s asking point...and that was before the economy went to S***.

I agree with the option of shipping it out to the middle-east where someone will buy it purely for the bragging rights....

This isn't a slight on the car, it looks absolutely incredible, just my thoughts on the market....

I have to agree.

This car is a technical and engineering tour de force. Everything on it is a case of 'If I had the money, I'd buy that part!!'

As others have said, the badge is the problem. People happily pay £50k for an Ariel Atom or even £150k for the V8 nutter one (which is the car in the same ballpark as this one IMHO) and £80k for a BAC Mono.

In terms of what the car is worth in terms of performance and engineering porn, it is definitely worth £35 grand.

I can only wish the seller the best of luck, but that they may have to hold on for a while to find the right person :)

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If we are not carefull I can see this thread spinning out of control in terms of the cars value.

£35,000 is not a lot of money to many people.

For what is worth in my opinion , its under valued. ;)

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No matter how much the sum of the parts there is a percieved cap that someone is willing to pay for the Westfield Marque. Once you've exceed this cap then the only chance you have of recovering more of the spend is to break it down and sell the parts separately. This said if someone was in the market to build a similar spec car then they'd be a fool not to consider buying this one as it would save them at least £25k but as others have said, very tiny market.

If I thought I could sell mine for half what I have spent on it then it would be up for sale I think.

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Everything in life has a price, the skill is lining up the correct purchaser with the right product. If they don't meet it won't happen. This car needs advertising internationally and it will have a better chance of realising its potential price. Value for money rests with the purchaser, it is expensive but it has a commendable spec and appears built to a very high standard. Whether the right buyer turns up is going to be seen as time goes on. I can only wish him well in his sale and hope it doesn't get sold off for what would be a pittance.

Bob :)

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Cheers for the kind comments guys. I am in no disillusion as to the size of market for my car. The advertising internationally is a good idea I may follow up. I have a friend in Singapore who has already mentioned this. It's purely up for sale to see if I get a sniff! There are plenty of Westies out there that owe people the wrong side of £25k i guess, they just don't want to admit it or add up the invoices in denial!

I don't need to sell it and deep down don't want to but just fancy something else and don't have the space. It simply won't be sold for a pittance.

The Lotus Exige I have put together was planned to be sold but I've fallen in love with it. Can't justify two 550HP plastic toys!!!

I put the "offers" feature on eBay for fun and had 2 so far! One for £10K and one for £5k!!!!


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Certainly having the attittude that you don't have to sell it or not being desperate to sell will help. Those offers are really insulting. BTW, I spent more than £25K building mine.

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Dear all

My thoughts, be they right or wrong- you decide;

Is this a genuine sale?

Nice car but remember that it is only worth what the ultimate buyer decides, regardless of the name badge and spec. Given the current economic climate, i am suprised it has reached the £30k mark. Seems a bit steep to me

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if i had 35k lieing around id buy it, absolute monster of a machine, wityh plenty of bragging rights and im sure the marque will be left in teh garage when people come over to ask what it is that just blew them away when there vehicle costs 5x as much! a serious track day weapon, and if set up to be so, im sure would be a demon in a suitable race class! so many choices, everyone is sat here saying its worth 35k, but no one will pay it, but if everyone thinks its worth it, it only takes one person with 35k to buy it, theres 7 billion people out there, only gotta find one!

Good luck polly! i think your motor is the mutts nutts :)

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Dear all

My thoughts, be they right or wrong- you decide;

Is this a genuine sale?

Nice car but remember that it is only worth what the ultimate buyer decides, regardless of the name badge and spec. Given the current economic climate, i am suprised it has reached the £30k mark. Seems a bit steep to me

I think you have your threads crossed with the fake ebay auction for SteveD's car?

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