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Friday Funny

Captain Colonial

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Bob, I realise you are tonue in cheek with your last post.

However why did FIFA choose 2 countries with very visible racial abuse evident at football matches. Surely this isn't something new.

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  • Minimum wage

  • £3.68 - the 16-17 rate for workers above school leaving age but under 18
  • £2.65 - the apprentice rate, for apprentices under 19 or 19 or over and in the first year of their apprenticeship

AKA 21st Century Slave Wages

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Bernie, that's only half the picture. Look at the cost of living and you'll find they're not too bad off at those wages.

When god was but a lad and I started work my wages, for a 44 hour week, was £3/3/0 a week. That's £3.15 in todays money. The average wage for a married man was £20 pw.

Maybe if we had kept the apprenticeship we would have skilled labour coming onto the labour market and not paying eastern Europeans to do the work.

The other day I went to the Brico Marche and HM wanted to know why I got changed into nice, clean clothes. I said that you could always tell the Brits in the Brico as they all had dirty, paint stained clothes on whereas the French artisans wore crisp, clean overalls.

The weather's crap, it's raining, dull and cold.

I've just fought to get a bottle of milk out of the plastic wrapping, to get a bottle of cream out of the plastic bandage its packed in, cut my finger cutting into a packet of biscuits and, this morning, broke a nail opening the Head & Shoulders shampoo bottle lid,

I lost my temper with one of the TV which switches from HDMI to TV if I use the Humax remote when switched to TV.

I shouted at HM when she asked my why I was so grumpy. I AM SO GET USED TO IT!

Right, I do not feel better but at least you now know that I'm in a bad mood.

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Maybe its someones way of trying to highlight the issue so that it can be eradicated. Seems a bit barmy to me though, to potentially have to run the gauntlet is barking, someones bright idea. The Dutch got a bit of stick the other day, maybe it will take the teams to walk off to make them understand. Somehow looking at the terrace hero's, who were beating up there own fans, I don't think so, bit like the UK 20 years ago..

Bob. :no::angry:

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Bob, the only thing these people understand is violence and hatred. I would think the worst thing would be for the teams to walk off. It's what the thugs want, they would have triumphed. Then they would go on the rampage beating up anyone who appears black or Asian on the basis that it was their fault the match was abandoned.

I should edit my post above to add my feelings of these neo-nazi thugs. I've always argued against the death penalty but I may just change my mind over this.

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Bernie, that's only half the picture. Look at the cost of living and you'll find they're not too bad off at those wages.

When god was but a lad and I started work my wages, for a 44 hour week, was £3/3/0 a week. That's £3.15 in todays money. The average wage for a married man was £20 pw

I worked for my Dad (family business)from school age to 23 yrs old , No pay just free keep , the food was crap as was the lodgings , no heating , leaky roof , tin bath , outside loo .

Working hours ? If we did any less than 12 hours in a day it would have felt like a holiday , somehow in there I attended night school , 5 years city & guilds , no calculators in them days , slide rule and log tables .

Todays lot dont know there born !

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"And if you told the kids of today they wouldn't believe you"

Bob :d :d

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ah, but they're better off than we were.

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Speaking to a Serbian yesterday, He told me the cost of living was on par with GB, but there average wage was 300 euro's a month!

Now you know why there over here.

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Mr Grunt, from my information the TOTAL cost of living in Serbia is nowhere near the same as the UK.

If you look HERE you can see that some items are a fraction of the UK prices. However a quick glance will show you that 300€ will be gone in about a week.

"Lies, damned lies, and statistics"

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